Feeling The Heat: Obama Asks For Volunteers To Help Weprin For Congress

The following is from The Brooklyn Politics Website:

Well, this is interesting. A reader forwards me an email from Barack Obama’s list, trying to give a boost to the Democratic candidate to replace Anthony Weiner, David Weprin.

Here’s the email:
From: Jeremy Bird, BarackObama.com
Sent: 09/01/11 06:20 PM
To: [x]
Subject: David Weprin for Congress
[x] —

This Sunday, September 4th, volunteers will be making calls and knocking on doors in New York’s 9th Congressional District for David Weprin. I hope you can make it.

Assemblyman Weprin is the Democratic nominee in the special congressional election on Tuesday, September 13th. He has a long record of getting results for New York’s seniors, students, and middle-class residents, and he’s focused on holding government accountable — first as chair of the City Council’s Finance Committee and now as an assemblyman. He’s exactly the kind of leader we need in Congress.

You should join the event in New York on Sunday to help contact voters in David’s district — the calls you make could be the ones that put him over the top.

Here are the details:

What: Organizing for David Weprin

New York, NY 10016

When: Sunday, September 4th
12:00 pm

From fighting for first responders to passing the Recovery Act and historic health care legislation, President Obama and Democrats in Congress have put together a long list of achievements.

If we’re going to continue to build on this work and create jobs, we need strong allies like David in Congress. On the other hand, the Republican nominee supports making harmful changes to Medicare and Social Security, and has even put raising costs for seniors on the table.

The choice couldn’t be clearer. RSVP here to help David and contact voters in New York:




Jeremy Bird
National Field Director
Obama for America

5 Responses

  1. So much for Weprin’s phoney claim that he will “fight” Obama on Israel and Obamacare.

    Obama’s people know the truth, and they want this loyal democrat apparachik in Congress to help Obama get his way.

  2. Weprin has always voted on the party line, so what do you expect, of course obama would like a bobble head for his agenda in congress

  3. Democrats are panicking about potentially losing this seat. This race will be a referendum on Barack Obama and they know it. If you like Obama vote for Weprin who will be a rubber stamp for the Obama Administration as he has throughout his political career always rubber stamped the wishes of his party leaders.

    Electing Bob Turner will send a loud and clear message to Obama that people are not happy with his policies not just toward Israel but his dismal economic policies.

    Go Turner Go!

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