Did Obama Stiff Brooklyn For Disaster Aid Because Orthodox Jews Live There?

Brooklyn pols were apoplectic yesterday when FEMA’s list of counties eligible for disaster aid included every New York City borough but theirs. Borough President Marty Markowitz pronounced himself “dumbfounded.” City Council Finance Chairman Domenic Recchia asked, “Are they kidding?” Waterfront sections of the borough were flooded from end to end, part of the seawall facing the Atlantic Ocean collapsed, and soil was weakened under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway in Brooklyn Heights.

City and federal disaster officials said the omission was simply a bureaucratic lag, and Brooklyn will surely be added within days.

Still, some wondered whether President Barack Obama’s administration might be miffed with Brooklyn, where Orthodox Jews angry about his Israel policy hope to flip a congressional seat that was once solidly Democratic.

One Democratic officeholder wondered about Obama: “Maybe he realizes that [Assemblyman] Dov Hikind lives in Brooklyn?”

(Source: City Hall News)

10 Responses

  1. Oh please. Jews are the ones who got him elected. He may be arrogant enough to believe he can win again without the help of the Jews and the Jewish vote but he isn’t delusional.

    We just love to play the victim/antisemitism card, don’t we?

  2. This administration is being given too much credit. It’s not anti-semitism. Nor is it racism. Just plain incompetence and idiocy.

  3. This is ridiculous. The fact is, Brooklyn didn’t experience as much damage as other areas. That should be a cause for happiness. As of last night, there were still people within two blocks of me in the Bronx who were without electric power. And for parts of upstate New York and Vermont, this was a catastrophe.

  4. Very unlikely. He needs Jewish, Black and Hispanic votes to be reelected, so why pick a fight. While many Jews are concerned about his foreign and social policies, this is the year of economics and most frum Jews are deep blue when it comes to economics. Remember that Obama is a Democrat, he loves to give away other people’s money (and of course, we love to take it).

  5. Much can be argued in regards whether it is because the “President Barack Obama’s administration might be miffed with Brooklyn, where Orthodox Jews angry about his Israel policy hope to flip a congressional seat that was once solidly Democratic.” or whether it is because in Brooklyn the damage was less sever then the other 4 Boroughs but this is nit the issue here.

    As much as I am a fan of this website and I understand the urge to post flashy headlines in order to promote viewership it was quite silly of you guys to post this article.

    It is way too much of a stretch that the Obama administration will take revenge on a whole borough that a small percent on the residents are orthodox Jews, only because they might or might not flip one congressional seat in a House that is not his at the moment anyways.

    lets not kid ourselves, we are not that important or powerful (not to be negative but this is an article that the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” would have loved.

    An IDT Graduate.

  6. Idt grad, while i agree that this article sounds ridiculous, i fully disagree that jews in america are not powerful. we comprise roughly two percent of the united states population, yet hold at least 10% of the seats in congress. obama’s former chief of staff, and his closest advisor, are both jews. the amount of jewish millionaires and even billionaires living in the united states is almost too much to believe. hollywood is awash with jewish talent, allowing for jews to influence american culture with ease. so yes, jews have power, and lots of it. lets just hope they use it for good.

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