Major Aufruf At 770 For Israeli Chasanim

Last Shabbos in 770, World Lubavitch Headquarters, no less than 30 chasanim from Eretz Yisrael were on hand to receive an aliyah, as they were married this week in Eretz Yisrael. Many Chabadnikim travel to 770 for an aliyah prior to their chupah, for their Shabbos Aufruf.

One of the chasanim was Menachem Mendel Bukovza, whose arrival in Kfar Chabad for his chasnah on Sunday was truly Yad Hashem. When he was about to set out for JFK International Airport on motzei shabbos he learned that all flights were canceled and operations were halted due to the storm, Hurricane Irene. Some local askanim heard of his plight, deciding to intervene towards getting him home for the chupah.

A vehicle was rented and they headed for Canada. Those involved admit the trip to Canada was not an easy one due to weather conditions but they remained confident and compelled to complete their mission towards having the chosson home in Eretz Yisrael on time. Simultaneously, efforts began to secure him a ticket, but they were told there simply are no seats available, not even in business class.

Not dissuaded, askanim continued looking for a seat, and eventually, realizing the situation, a seat was found for him on a flight from Montreal to Tel Aviv, and the chosson made that flight without any time to spare. Notification was made to the families in Kfar Chabad that the chosson made the flight, and that the chupah would take place as scheduled with G-d’s help, and it did.

In the case of two other chasanim who appeared less concerned, they did not make flights and as a result, their weddings that were scheduled for Sunday were postponed to later in the week.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I fail to undertand, if the Rebbi is no longer alive, what is the Mitzvah to come to his grave for shabbos aufruf when the wedding is the other end of the world the next day. You see what happened with the other two chassanim. there are many not good things written about postponing weddings. Next time they should wed midweek on for a minimum.

  2. I grada find this topic interesting. I spent a Shabbos in Crown Heights, right before the summer, along with my 2 guys from my chabura (visiting one of their uncles). That Shabbos there were 35 chassanim from 15 different countries at 770.

    If it uplifts the chosson to have his aliya in a shul where 2 Tzadikkim (Rabbi MM and Rabbi YY)davenned, learned and said Torah for 60 years, then its a gutta zach and all those who want to, should go for it!

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