All NYC Boroughs Except Brooklyn To Get Federal Aid Following Irene

Brooklyn, where you at?

Not on a list of counties getting post-Irene disaster aid.

And Borough President Marty Markowitz is pretty unhappy about that.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has identified 26 counties that saw “devastating effects” from last weekend’s storm. But six of those counties have not yet been declared disaster zones by the federal government. That list includes Brooklyn along with Columbia, Putnam, Orange, Sullivan and Washington counties.

Teams are still out assessing damage and those six could be eligible for relief funds soon.

New York City’s other four boroughs are already getting aid.

Markowitz says he’s ‘dumbfounded’ at Brooklyn’s exclusion because many waterfront areas were flooded, including Coney Island and Red Hook.

He says he hopes the Federal Emergency Management Agency “immediately reverses this dreadful decision and includes Brooklyn.”

(Source: NBC New York)

One Response

  1. “But six of those COUNTIES have not yet been declared disaster zones by the federal government. That list includes Brooklyn…”.- I always thought , that Brooklyn is part of Kings County ? It is such a county – Brooklyn ?

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