Obama To Visit Flood-Ravaged New Jersey

President Barack Obama will visit flood-ravaged Paterson, New Jersey on Sunday to view the damage from Hurrican Irene.

The White House announced the visit as raging floodwaters continued to overwhelm parts of northern New Jersey as the nation’s top emergency management officials Wednesday planned to view the damage left by Hurricane Irene.

Flooding continued to besiege Paterson, Little Falls and Montville Township even after the state’s rain-swollen rivers crested and slowly receded.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Craig Fugate planned to visit flood-damaged Lincoln Park, in Morris County, late Wednesday afternoon.

The raging Passaic River crested Tuesday, bringing a new round of evacuations and more misery in places like Lodi and Paterson, where the first incident of looting was reported Wednesday.

(Source: NBC New York)

9 Responses

  1. You mean he is taking time out from his projects in the arab muslim world to take a look at something within the US? Well, it doesnt hurt for him to look.

  2. Stay home do what you do best play golf, anything you touch gets worse, isnt that an amazing thought the guy is near the end of his term and no one can point to even one thing this guy had positive success on

  3. Paterson is actually part of the Arab Muslim world. It is full of Muslims from Egypt, Yemen and other benighted holes who danced in the streets on 9-11.

    It once had a very nice kehilla led by Rav Meir Greenberg AH who passed away recently at a very advanced age.

  4. President Obama, BEWARE!! In 1965, Malcolm X, also an African-American leader, was assassinated by a black Nation-of-Islam hit man, Talmadge Hayer, from Paterson!!

  5. “no one can point to even one thing this guy had positive success on”

    You are so busy hating our President that you must have missed:

    The death of Osama bin Laden

    The death of Atiyah abd al-Rahman, Al Qaeda’s #2 guy

    Withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq

    New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty negotiated with Russia and ratified by the Senate with bipartisan support

    The removal of Ben Ali from power in Tunisia

    The removal of Mubarak from power in Egypt

    The impending removal of Ghadafi from power in Libya

    The closing of secret torture facilities

    A massive relief effort for the Haiti earthquake

    A smaller relief effort for the famine in east Africa

    and here in the US

    The ending of the recession as of June 2009

    After almost a century of trying, the enactment of a law that will guarantee Americans access to health insurance

    Returning the financial services industry to sensible regulation

  6. It is also worth mentioning two additional Obama accomplishments that particularly affect Jews:

    Sanctions on Iran.

    US/Israel military cooperation at the highest levels in history.

  7. 5 and you are implying what exactly? on the other hand as an American who disagrees with the president’s politics, I DONT WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!


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