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Who Removed IDF Prayer From Siddur?

The following is an article from Ynet:

A yeshiva student is suspected of destroying siddurim (Jewish prayer books) which included a prayer for the State of Israel and IDF soldiers.

The incident took place last week at the Tomb of Shimon in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

In the past few weeks, the site’s managers noticed that many siddurim including the prayer for the State had been destroyed. Footage obtained from the security cameras revealed that the person responsible was a yeshiva students affiliated with the extreme Neturei Karta faction, who placed stickers calling for the “end of the Zionist state” over the prayer.

Due to the sensitivity of the issue, the site’s managers consulted rabbis on whether to file a complaint with the police against the man, for fear that such a move would be perceived as a declaration of war against some of the haredi groups visiting the place. The rabbis encouraged them to turn to the law enforcement authorities.

Early last week, the site’s managers ambushed the suspect, and when he repeated his actions they caught him and called the police.

“It’s a despicable act,” one of the site’s managers said last week.

(Source: Ynet)

26 Responses

  1. Note the story is coming from Ynet. It is highly doubtful not only whether it is true, but they likely invented the story from scratch.

  2. These lowlives, aside from the chilul HaSh-m they commit by hugging and kissing the murderers and wannabbe MASS murderers of Jews, they are also BIG phonies!

    Do they delete the numerous mentions of karbanos and the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash from their davening?!? I think NOT! Do they say in birchas hamazone ‘u’vnai yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh…’?
    Would they ever admit that to their buddies in Hamas or to Achmadinajerk?

    So what WOULD their arab boyfriends think of THAT?!?
    MY guess…
    They would choke them with the arab kaffiyehs they wear as scarves!

  3. Tomche…

    While it IS true that YNET is anti-frum, it is highly unlikely that the story is not true.

    It is too easy to verify it with the people at Kever Shimon HaTzadik.

  4. Prison is the place to go.
    Too many hoodlums get away with their actions, set up a cell for him and friends who are harassing a girls’ school in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Enough is enough!!

  5. “Not Sure”

    I am afraid that you are sure. It is the same secularist Israeli government that is responsible for the spiritual Holocaust that has claimed millions of souls in Israel. Literally.

    These nutty zealots who hug murderers of Jews, are like an ant on Mt. Everest when one compares their disgraceful behavior to that of which Israel is guilty of historically.

    Face the facts, the Brisker rav and other gedolei hador said that we will be in this golus for as long as the state exists. The Netuei Karta are indeed insignificant, only that they irk those who fear that they may have a point.

  6. “A yeshiva student is suspected of destroying siddurim (Jewish prayer books) which included a prayer for the State of Israel and IDF soldiers.”

    How does anyone know why he destroyed those siddurim. In all probability, these prayer books included yom haatzmeut & hatikva(apikorsus).
    YNET with their anti-religious attitude, seized on IDF prayers to incite the public against the Chareidim.

  7. Joseph613…

    “they irk those who fear that they may have a point.”

    They do NOT ‘irk’ me because they ‘may have a point’, they irk me because they are menuvalim and sonai Yisrael.
    The Satmar Rav ‘had a point’, these fools do not.

    The ‘State’ has MANY serious chesronos without any doubt, but think about this…
    At the end of the Holocaust, beside the obvious unspeakable horror of the murder of 6 MILLION Yidden, think about the mental, spiritual, emotional condition of world Jewry. Think of the severity of the trauma to our people.

    Two questions…

    1) Where do you think we would be now, over 60 years later, if there had not been the creation of the ‘State’?

    2) As frum Jews, we do not believe things happen “b’mikreh”, by chance, -they happen from HaSh-m’s hashgacha pratis. Do you believe that something as incredible as the creation of the ‘State’ (even with all it’s flaws) after 2,000 years of NOT having a state, (davka right after the Holocaust) was an exception to this rule, and DID happen by chance?

  8. To All,

    The mass butchering of yiddishkeit that begun in 1948 with the declaration of state is only a small part of the zionist evil doing that is already a well known and established fact that even the zionist leaders of that times loudly proclaimed and is cited in numerous zionist writings, but for those of you who dont know the zionist are also directly responsible for thousands of yidden being killed in the holocaust by abstaining from assisting them in any way, These people are just looking to uproot yidishkeit in any way shape or form possible, one of the zionist leaders of that time even said “THE OLD RABBIS WITH BEARDS AND PEYOS WILL GET IN THE WAY OF OUR DEMOCRACY… …The price of Eretz Yisroel is the blood of the men and women, hoary sages, and babes in arms – but not YOUR blood! Let us not spoil this plan by giving the Axis powers to save Jewish lives. But for you, comrades, I have enclosed carfare for your escape. What a nightmare! The Zionist agent “diplomat” comes to Czechoslovakia and says ‘Now is a very critical time. But comparatively speaking it is not at all critical for you trapped Jews. For there is an emergency of far greater proportions; namely, BINYAN HA-ARETZ (the prize of Medinat Yisrael)” (to ZionFlag,These are the people in charge of the siddur chaluka) and if anyone is really interested in knowing just some of the atrocities comitted by the zionist movement i advise buying the book “MIN HAMETZAR” by R’ michoel ber weissmandel HY”D

  9. ohevshalom…

    What an inappropriate login name for one who seems to be so full of hate for other Jews (even terribly misguided ones).
    My suggestion – get a few thousand of your chevra of Torah Yidden, move to Eretz Yisrael and help CHANGE things to make Eretz Yisrael a place that will give nachas to HKB”H.

  10. ainodmilvado as always you hit a bullseye

    ohev shalom – like ainoldmilvado says– israel has serious flaws…the only way to fix flaws is by getting off your tuchas and moving here and fixing it…
    kvetching from 6000 miles away isnt going to fix anything

  11. @7, I said ‘Think about it…’, it is self understood that I wasn’t talking about actually removing Siddurim from the IDF.

  12. Well said ohevshalom.

    ainohdmilvado: You need to stop your sinah of Torah loving Yidden.

    RamatShilo: “Fixing” the zionist state is akin to fixing the third reich.

  13. I’m as anti-Zionist as they come. Had there never been a state, or had the state recognized the nissim of 1967 and behaved like proud Jews (better yet) there would not be the kind of anti-Semitism we have today. Never mind that descendants of the rishonim are doing hard time for drug offenses in the medine because of what happened in the maabarot.

    Regardless of anyone’s beliefs, vandalizing siddurim, even those with additional tefilos of no valid origin, is just plain stupid. It is not new either but usually the self-appointed kanoim stamp messages like that on the inside cover of siddurim and sifrei Tehillim.

    There are many siddurim available without added tefilos even in EY. If the kanoim don’t like the ones at the kever, let them buy hundreds of the ones without the additions and leave them there for the mispalelim. They can even stamp the inside front covers with a request to daven with kavono for the destruction of the state, but better to daven for Moshiach because peaceful dismantlement of the state may not be possible anymore.

  14. #12 OhevShalom – you sound more like a Rodef Shalom. Additionally, using the expression “HY”D” for Rav Weismandel ZT”L is incorrect – he was not killed Al Kidush Hashem. His family was killed, but he himself survived the Holocaust.

    To answer your specific point re: Zionist attitudes to the rescue of European Jewry – there were members of the Zionist establishment who had the attitude that you described. There were also leaders who did not, and you err by painting all with the same broad brush. I’m not sure if you ever heard of Hillel Kook, aka Peter Bergson (a nephew of Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, ZT”L), who spent a significant portion of the war trying to rescue ALL Jews from Europe.

    If you want to criticize, please, at least check your facts.

    an Israeli Yid

  15. ohevshalom you are 100 right.
    ainohdmilvado:did the eigel hazohov also happen because of hashgoche protis,or any aveiro that a yid commits,is it also hashgoche protis????I don’t know why the article says destroys,as all he did was put a sticker on that page!!the truth is he should have destroyed it maybe,cuz sefer tora shekosvo min,yissoreif im kol haazkoros shebo.
    I dont know if you know but artscroll also print these idf ‘tfilos’look in any machzor by yizkor(originally written by berel katsnelson an apikorus gomur without the name of hashem)and in the gabbais handbook they print the tfila leshalom hamedina(reshit tsmichat goulatenou!!!).

  16. shlishi #17…
    If you knew me at all, which you clearly do NOT, you would know that your remarks are based on total ignorance and are as far from the truth as they could possibly be. They are also highly inappropriate for someone as holy as you (think you)are, especially as we have just finished the month of Av (sinas chinam) and have just begun the month of Elul (Teshuva).
    Your comment to ‘RamatShilo’ comparing Israel (even with all it’s many flaws) to the Third Reich is nothing less than disgusting and despicable!

    Chein #15…
    Yes you are correct (though I don’t believe you meant it this way). Though we certainly can not begin to understand HaSh-m’s cheshbonos, BOTH the Holocaust AND the creation of Israel were indeed Hashgaga Pratis!
    I am someone who is VERY OFTEN outspokenly critical of Israel’s policies in MANY areas (i.e. religion, politics, etc.) but most of the anti-Israel comments expressed here are based simply on ignorance and immaturity.

  17. the stupidity on this board in almost unbelievable…
    i am not even sure why i am wasting my time responding…

    Israel does have flaws.. israel at this point is past its infancy and going through its teen years…. it is still trying to find itself…during its childhood years it did make mistakes and during its teen years it will make more…but part of growing up is making mistakes and learning from them and not repeating them…. if you people are good relatives to this teen you will move here and help the teen mature and become and adult…. if you dont care enough then please shut up and keep your stupidity to yourself as NO one appreciates reading nonsense.

  18. To Avraham Abadi (# 24) –

    Thank you. Enjoy my postings while you can; the YWN administrators tend to periodically decide that my comments/worldview are not suitable for the site, and my comments stop being posted – with no notice to me as to how I offended their sensibilities.

    an Israeli Yid

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