‘Jewish’ Bachmann Is Costing Mitt Romney

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is facing a new challenge: He’s having trouble raising money from some Jewish donors who mistakenly believe one of his opponents, Michele Bachmann, is Jewish.

Some Jewish donors are telling fund-raisers for Romney, a Mormon, that while they like him, they’d rather open their wallets for the “Jewish candidate,” who they don’t realize is actually a Lutheran, The Post has learned.

“It’s a real problem,” one Romney fund-raiser said. “We’re working very hard in the Jewish community because of Obama’s Israel problem. This was surprising.”

Romney moved to quickly position himself as an alternative to Obama among well-heeled Jewish contributors in places like New York, New Jersey, Florida and California—a group Obama locked down in 2008.

Some in Romney’s camp have been wondering whether Bachmann and her allies are pushing the “Jewish” rumor to help their own fund-raising, sources said.

She has enjoyed strong popularity among Jewish voters and often talks about her stay on a kibbutz during the summer of 1974, when she was a teenager.

In a speech to the American Israel Political Action Committee last year, Bachmann recalled being guarded by soldiers while working on the kibbutz.

“While we were working, the soldiers were walking around looking for land mines,” she said. “I really learned a lot in Israel.”

She went on to say, “I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.”

Bachmann also told an AIPAC gathering earlier this year that she and her family make sure each year to attend at least one Jewish-theme play or movie.

(Source: NY Post)

6 Responses

  1. Romney is insulting the Jewish donators by saying that they are confusing Bachman as a Jewess. She has always come out and said she is a Christian and a good friend of Israel.
    I just think Romney is not a good candidate for President, I am not siding with Bachman either, but unlike the current leadership she won’t sell Israel out to the enemy

  2. This artical is a joke if anything Bachmann supporting Israel along with some thinking that she is jewish is costing her donations. It defies all logic that some in Romney’s camp have been wondering whether Bachmann and her allies are pushing the “Jewish” rumor to help their own fund-raising. And even if they were thinking that i can’t belive that any one in Romney’s camp would say that to a reporter or if they did they are probobly not part of his team any more anyways.

  3. Gee…I suppose if nudnikim can believe Obama is a Muslim or Socialist, they can believe Bachman is Jewish. Ah, the egalitarian nature of stupidity can be breathtaking!

  4. Bachmann was a member of a Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Church until just a week before she announced her candidacy for President. Among the doctrines of the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Church is that the Pope is the “Antichrist”. That will go over real well with Catholic voters.

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