Court: Yigal Amir May Have A Chavrusa Twice Weekly

The Petach Tikvah Magistrate’s Court today (August 30th) ruled that the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) must permit Yigal Amir to meet with another prisoner to learn Torah with him twice weekly.

This new decision may change when a court decision is handed down next month regarding a state request that the convicted assassin of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin remain in solitary confinement.

To date, Amir was permitted to meet twice weekly with another prisoner, but in actuality, this took place once since the other prisoner designated to meet with him was released from prison.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. One day the real truth will come out as to who was responsible for Rabin’s death.
    It was never a simple, clear-cut issue.
    There was A LOT more to it than the Israeli government and “justice’ department would have people believe.
    Even Rabin’s own family, who witnessed it, knew something was ‘fishy’. As they were being wisked away from the scene a Shin-Bet agent told them “Don’t worry, they were just blanks”.
    What a strange comment. What did it mean? Who was firing blanks? Who was firing real ammo?
    No, not clear at all.

  2. Bsruch Hashem that he has a chavrusa and is able to socialize and learn Torah. he is a human being that deserves his Torah Rights as any other felon.

  3. If we give any weight to the Kempler video, and there is little reason not to, ” the convicted assassin” is an innocent, and very troubled patsy. The government, as governments are wont, is doing a dance, and going through the motions to support a rather sloppy alibi, and the media obediently follow the tune. Where the masses are anesthetized by the media and TV is the oracle of truth, tyranny is child’s play.

  4. #5 There is also a chazaka that truth contains lies and that lie contain truth. Bei mir, the governent (US) lost its chazaka with the PanAm 800 disaster. If you are clever, you can see the tipping point between the media independently trumpeting all manner of info at the outset,in a rush for scoops and ratings, and the media getting the “game plan”,and forever repeating the party line.

  5. #5 Nahapochu –

    Check the facts, even the ones that actually ARE available (such as the quotes from the Rabin family immediately after the shooting).

    If you do, you will find that it is NOT baloney at all.

    Amir MAY have pulled the trigger, but it was a set-up with many ‘chashuv’ people involved.

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