Uman- Getting Ready For Rosh Hashanah

As preparations for receiving tens of thousands of mispallalim from around the world continue, it appears this year’s turnout in Uman for Rosh Hashanah will be a record-breaker, as many as 40,000-50,000 people. This is a direct result of the new arrangement which permits Israelis to fly without obtaining a visa in advance.

The notion of davening at the kever of R’ Nachman of Breslov seems to be an increasingly popular one, attracting Yidden from around the globe, from all walks of life, not just Breslov Chassidim and not just the frum.

Israel’s security services will make appropriate arrangements to ensure the safety of the visitors, as will the various emergency medical services.

This year, there will be 15 containers of supplies being sent from Eretz Yisrael and China containing 100,000 yomtov meals. 800 workers are involved in the massive hachnasas orchim operation, which includes 200 volunteers from North America, 100 Breslov Chassidim from France and 500 local residents.

25 tons of salads, 35 tons of pastries and cakes and 100,000 rolls are being shipped from the United States. The kitchen is under the hashgacha of Rabbi Meir Siruta and heading the kitchen staff is Chef Nathan Mordechai Lichtenstein. In total, there will be more than 250 tons of food, disposable plates & cutlery and kitchen supplies shipped in from America and China.

Some visitors opt to make their own arrangements and do not rely on the main kitchen option.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Sure, I guess the Ukraine needs our money, rather then all of these resources and funds going to local yeshivas and poor people.

  2. Interesting how some people , are so quick to offer negative opinions on subjects they have no knowlededge of .
    I don’t know what your chug is – but for your info – ever since Breslovers opened the way to Uman , probably most of leading Rebbes have been to their respective Kvarim in Ukraine , Poland , whatever . There have also been some visits of Lithuanian Gedolim/Rosh Yeshivas to Vilna Gaon , Chafetz Chaim etc. arranged by none other than recognised Kupot Tzdakka with support of Rav Kanyevsky , Rav Shteineman etc. Apparently , they feel that their Tefillot in these places are very important , even to override their “Bitul Torah” , and the money that the Ukrainians/Polaks are making out of it .
    By the way , if you are not directly donating to any of the Breslov Institutions organizing this , I don’t think any of your funds are supporting any of the Uman stuff .
    If you’re supporting any of the above mentioned Kuppot Tzdakka , then you may have a problem .

  3. My “chug” mostly pertains to how this has become a part of Torah Judaism. And by “this,” I mean men, Chaddishe and not, leaving their families for yuntif and spending thousands of dollars doing so. It is wasteful, unnecessary, and shameful to see when so much tzedakah is needed elsewhere (tuition, etc).

    If an organization decides that this is in its best interest, to send a representative to Uman because of their belief in the power of tefilah there, then I have no objection to how they spend their money. But for 50,000 Jews to leave their families for the holidays in order to join the men’s club in Uman…that’s $50mm that I think could be put to better use in our communities.

  4. No small amount of Uman visitors are those who have returned to their roots after being turned off by all those so called “yeshivos”. Thanks to Reb Nachman they realize that there’s more to a jew than shiur clali and 3 months of bein hazmanim a year. Believe me the last thing to do is support these yeshivos. I’ll take Uman instead thank you very much.

  5. Being in Ukraine justajew is right only because of the tenacity of breslovers going to uman paved the way for the kevarim all over to be restored esPecially during the required perseverance during soviet times and actually by breslov chassidim maintained sites of holiness berditchev medzhibush and others

  6. justajew complains about money being better spent.

    Why no complaint about people going to Florida, Bahamas or any of the other places where people go on vacation. Maybe complain about the cars that people buy. There is no end. The only complaint can be if people don’t give maaser.

    By the way, there are numerous people that leave their families for Rosh Hashona to be with their Rebbes. By some (I don’t want to mention names as people will just have more ehrilche Yidden to attack) over half of the chassidim leave their familes to be with their Rebbe for Rosh Hashona. Some spend all of Aseres Yemei Teshuva with their Rebbe every year. The only one that can complain is the wives. It’s none of your business. In Europe this was common place. Reb Elchonon Wasserman, as a matter of fact, used to spend all of Elul with the Chofetz Chaim. Most of the negative comments are just ignorance. They have knowodea that this is discussed by tzadikim of 2000 years ago in sefer Chayei Mohoran, Kochvei Ohr and others. The main thing is to stop knocking everything that is different from what you do.

  7. > Why no complaint about people going to Florida, Bahamas

    I’ve never heard a rabbi claim that going to Florida or buying a Cadillac is a surefire way to get your prayers answered. The annual trip to Uman has taken on such religious importance in some circles that it’s almost a shonda NOT to go. And hence, people (some of whom I know, who are in no way Breslovers) who cannot afford it, go with the assurance that it’s what Hashem wants.

    > The only one that can complain is the wives. It’s none of your business.

    I could apply that insane logic to spousal abuse as well, l’havdil. I’m speaking for those who cannot or will not speak out on their own behalf. Perhaps you should think and listen.

    > Reb Elchonon Wasserman, as a matter of fact, used to spend all of Elul with the Chofetz Chaim.

    Were the 50,000 expected Jews on the same madraiga as Reb Wasserman, you would have a point.

    > The main thing is to stop knocking everything that is different from what you do.

    The main thing is to realize the financial peril that the Jews are in as a whole, and encourage people to spend wiser, be better husbands (which includes earning a living and putting food on the table), and raise yourself up, instead of hoping that R. Nachman will do it for you.

  8. Dear justajew,
    The fact that every year more and more justajews go to uman should at least cause you to wonder “why”.
    I suggest you try it and then be in a better position to argue the validity of such an endeavor.
    If you never experienced the smell of fresh baked bread, than how can you describe it?

  9. Justajew

    I cannot speak for what other people do. As for the people that go that I know: Their wives let them go and encourage them to go. They do not owe anyone money. They are people from all walks of life. Among them are Rabbeim, doctors and businessmen.

    While no one said that going to Florida or buying a buying a Cadillac is a surefire way to get your prayers answered why don’t you complain that there is a better way for them to spend their money.

    No one ever said that going to Uman is a “surefire way to get your tefilos answered” although the seforim do say many wonderful things about going. You can take a look in the seforim.

    The people I know that go spend Elul and before preparing for Rosh Hashona in a very serious manner. Halevei other people’s Rosh Hashona should look like Erev Rosh Hashona in Uman starting with the 3AM selichos straight to vasikin shachris that is a good hour and a half and then Tehilim and tachanunim at the kever till past chatzos when most break their fast. Then Rosh Hashona preperation for shachris starts way before the 630 shachris. At 4 and 5 AM you can already see thousands of people saying Tehilim before shachris. At this time many of the naysayers are just turning over in their sleep.

    I can’t speak for the people you know who cannot afford it but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Kasiva Vachasima Tova.

  10. justajew “Were the 50,000 expected Jews on the same madraiga as Reb Wasserman, you would have a point”

    How do you think Reb Wasserman came to be on the madraiga of Reb Wasserman!? I’m sure being moser nefesh by seperating himself from his beloved family in order to spend the holiest days of the year basking in the light of his Rebbe had alot to do with it!
    Definitely sitting on the internet and bashing other peoples ways of Avodas Hashem wouldn’t have done it from him.
    And “justajew” if you happen to be fortunate enough to make it to Uman for Rosh Hashana yourself one time, you might actually be suprised to see THOUSANDS of Reb Wassermans!!!

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