Weprin Campaign Pounces On Opponent’s 9/11 Health Bill Remarks

A special congressional election in Brooklyn and Queens is heating up as it focuses on the upcoming anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

The campaign of Democrat David Weprin is seizing on a remark that his Republican opponent, Bob Turner, recently made to the New York Daily News.

Turner said he thought that the federal 9/11 health care bill was too broad and should not apply to volunteers who worked at the World Trade Center site in the aftermath of the attacks.

NY1 has learned that one well-known 9/11 volunteer, John Feal, is slamming Turner in an automated phone call that is going out to the voters in the district.

In it, Feal can be heard saying, “Hi, this is John Feal, I was a volunteer first responder, horribly injured at Ground Zero. I fought hard for years to pass the Zadroga 9/11 Health Act which provides crucial health care and compensation for all first responder volunteers and their families. But Congressional candidate Bob turner doesn’t think this act is a good idea. He should be ashamed of himself. In the New York Daily News, he actually said that he doesn’t think the brave men and women who got sick volunteering at Ground Zero in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks deserve federal health benefits. It’s disgraceful.”

Feal is a construction manager who lost part of his left foot while volunteering to remove debris at the World Trade Center site.

In response, Turner’s campaign said in a statement, “Only a career politician like David Weprin would use 9/11 Healthcare money to try to get votes. His attacks are disgraceful. Of course Bob Turner supported the Zadroga Bill.”

The special election in the ninth congressional district is on September 13.

(Source: NY1)

4 Responses

  1. The fact that Weprin voted against gay marriage, thats enough for me to trust him in this instance too. One Second Oh he voted pro gay marriage oh forget it my mistake

  2. This is a tough one. If Turner is indeed in disagreement, then he is with me. Nonetheless, I’ll vote for him.

  3. “Of course Bob Turner supported the Zadroga Bill.”
    As if there ever was a doubt. Career politicians forget, “Midvar Sheker Terchok.”

  4. All Turner said is that there should be some Fraud guard against people who claimed to have been volunteers, but he thinks people who can prove they volunteered should be covered. Now of course lying democrats, who have been called out by the Post and Daily news as having lied before about Turner and have nothing to stand on but blatant falsehoods in numerous mailers and robo-calls, are of course going to lie about this to win. Typical

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