Hurricane Irene: NJ Gov. Christie Declares Sate Of Emergency To Mobilize National Guard

Gov. Chris Christie is calling on all of the state’s shore residents and visitors to evacuate in the next 24 hours in preparation for Hurricane Irene.

Christie, who signed an emergency declaration today, said that he is still weighing whether to call for a mandatory evacuation. Christie said those on a barrier island or in any beach community from Sandy Hook to Cape May should begin preparing now to leave.

“We are not overreacting, we need to be ready for this,” Christie said.

Christie said based on the state’s tracking, the eye of the hurricane, or the most violent part of the storm, could make landfall over Cape May or Atlantic County. Christie said storm surges, coupled with unusually high tides, could cause flooding and beach damage.

Christie warned residents that this storm is not to be taken lightly and that all residents should begin preparing. He interrupted his own vacation today to warn residents that preparations should begin immediately and that severe damage could be inflicted across the state.

“I’ve lived here my whole life and I understand the ‘cry wolf’ syndrome. … This is not one of those circumstances,” Christie said.

Christie said the storm will not only affect shore areas. Already saturated grounds and high rivers could inflict flooding across the state, he said.

Christie added that he will be packing his family up, which is currently vacationing in Island Beach State Park.

“I’m going to lead by example. I’m on a barrier island with my wife and four kids, and I will not be there tonight,” Christie said.

(Source: NJ Star Ledger)

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