LGBT Community Holds Fundraiser For Weprin

Democratic and Republican Party heavyweights are pumping more resources into the special congressional election to replace disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner.

The New York State Democratic Committee will spend well into the six figures to help Democratic Assemblyman David Weprin by attacking GOP challenger Bob Turner, an insider said.

And the Republican National Committee announced yesterday it’s helping pay for Turner’s get-out-the-vote effort.

Meanwhile, gay marriage has emerged as a major issue in the campaign.

Gay-rights groups held a fund-raiser last night for Weprin — who voted for the state’s gay-marriage law — at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village.

Turner opposes gay marriage.


(Source: NY Post / YWN Desk- NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Yuck. Can’t Wepring get enough from these toeivaniks? Was Weprin’s parading around in the “gay pride”, holding that sick rainbow flag, not enough for all of us to barf?

  2. Was the earthquake a coincidence on the very same day that an “orthoprox-Jew” hosted a LGBT fundraiser? See Yerushalmi (Brachos, 9:2).

  3. How can you call those openly living like that a ‘community’?? Is the mafia also a ‘community’..? They are no more a ‘community’ than their ‘marriage’ r’l is a marriage

    Need to be more careful when repeating stories from non-kosher sources!

  4. Deepthinker, thats a bad analogy. The fraudulent grocer in Monsey was lying about where his meat came from. David Weprin is open about his support for same gender civil marriage, but considers himself Orthodox because he keeps kosher, Shabbos, and davens at an Orthodox shul.

    One of the problems with parts of the frum community is that we expect people to be either “all in” or “all out.” The sad irony is that if Weprin completely ignored his Jewish heritage, the frum community would probably complain a lot less about his support for same gender marriage.

    Some day, Weprin (or more likely his children) will come to oppose same gender marriage, and we’ll better understand why he kept Shabbos all these years.

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