Washington Monument Cracked In Quake

The earthquake didn’t cause widespread damages or injuries, but it did put a crack in the Washington Monument.

After unconfirmed reports suggested the monument was tilting, parks officials said Tuesday night that the 550-foot obelisk suffered a crack in the 5.8-magnitude rumble centered in Mineral, Va., near Charlottesville.

Inspections found a crack “at the very, very top” of the monument, park service spokesman Bill Line said, and the monument and plaza surrounding the structure will be closed indefinitely as it is examined.

Though it suffered damage, the monument isn’t leaning, the park service said.

The park service has also temporarily closed the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial pending further inspection, while other landmarks — including the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial set to be officially unveiled this weekend — remain open.

(Source: Politico)

6 Responses

  1. We should take these cracks in a symbol of America as a warning sign! America is crumbling and will fall like Greece and Rome, when the morality of a country whose foundation was based on the words of G-d falters so do will the foundation of the republic.
    Moshiach NOW

  2. Or it is a sign that buildings in the east coast are not designed to be earthquake proof, and it is a rather odd shape building.

    BTW, Rome lasted 2000 years a a country (and is still going on when you consider that the Chief Executive was the Pontificus Maximus, which still exists), and the Roman legal system is used by most of the non-English speaking world. Some fall. If the US goes out of business in the 38th century, by which time the whole world has been thoroughly Americanized, we shouldn’t complain.

  3. akuperma:

    The word is pontifex. Pontificus is the derivative form.

    And while I’m no Armageddon-predicter, I don’t think we’re gonna last longer than 2240.

  4. It so happens that torahtotty is quite right. Hashem is definitely sending us messages about the way this country is being run, and what’s happening here. We all would do well to not “mach aveck” and say if we go out of business in the 38th century we’re doing ok. I think the fact that a major American symbol was damaged in an earthquake (which is by itself a big siman) is very telling. I’m just not sure what exactly we should be doing about all of this.

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