Hikind May Cross Party Lines & Nix Weprin Over Same-Gender Marriage

The NY Post reports:

A prominent Orthodox Jewish Democratic lawmaker says he won’t back fellow Dem David Weprin’s candidacy — and hinted he’ll even cross party lines to endorse Republican Bob Turner in the Sept. 13 special election to replace disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner.

“I will not support David Weprin,” said Brooklyn state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, particularly objecting to Weprin’s outspoken support of gay marriage.

Weprin and Hikind serve together in the Assembly. And Weprin, like Hikind, is an Orthodox Jew.

Hikind, who represents neighborhoods on the Brooklyn side of the Queens-Brooklyn congressional district, criticized Weprin for citing his religion in voting for the gay-marriage law in June.

“Weprin basically used his Jewish orthodoxy to say gay marriage is OK. He used his orthodoxy to say gay marriage is kosher. That crossed the line,” Hikind said.

Hikind stopped short of endorsing Turner — who opposes gay marriage — but said he’ll be meeting with the candidate again in the coming days.


5 Responses

  1. Wonderful!
    Also, Turner’s strong support of continuing Social Security & Medicare in its present form and oppose the Ryan Bill thereby earning Liberal Party support, proves him a Moderate Republican, and not a Tea Party extremist his opponents attempt to portray.
    I hope religious people, both Jews and non-jews will come out en masse to defeat the pseudo-orthodox Weprin.

  2. #1 is absolutely correct. Turner has been endorsed by the Liberal party…who would never endorse a true Tea Party candidate. Weprin, who is likely to lose, has become a very desperate man. His defense is only labels. Weprin has no platform or proposals of note. Why would anyone want a career politician who doesn’t even follow his conscience?

  3. If Hikin became a Republican, it could create a two-party system in New York. There are many social conservatives in New York (of all religions and races).

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