US Sen. Joe Lieberman, Rep. Eric Cantor Won’t Attend Glenn Beck Rally

Glenn Beck will have to stage his rally in Israel without Joe Lieberman and Eric Cantor.

The Connecticut Senator had pledged to turn up for Beck’s August 24th rally, which is being held in Jerusalem. Lieberman even appeared on Beck’s television and radio shows to voice his support for the rally, and to promote the gathering as a nonpartisan event in favor of Israel.

On Friday, though, Washington Jewish Week reported that Lieberman had pulled out of the rally, due to a “family commitment.”

The rally–a culmination of four days of events and television specials, all of which are airing on Beck’s web TV channel GBTV–is, of course, still going forward. Beck is currently in Israel, preparing for the extravaganza.

The full statement from Lieberman:

“Because of a family commitment, Senator Lieberman will regrettably not be able to attend the Restoring Courage rally which Glenn Beck and others are holding in Jerusalem, Israel on August 24. Senator Lieberman supports this event and wishes he could be there in person to express his support for a secure and free Israel, for Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, and for a rock-solid US-Israel relationship based on shared, eternal values and common current interests and enemies.”

Additionally, the paper reported that Rep. Eric Cantor, the House majority leader said he won’t attend the rally either. Cantor is currently visiting Israel with a delegation of lawmakers, but is expected to leave on Wednesday.

(Source: Huffington Post / Washington Jewish Week)

5 Responses

  1. What a shame! Now he will miss Beck’s speech in which Beck will certainly mention the concept of the sanctity of life and marriage.

    Somebody had better get through to this Jewish liberal icon and explain to him that his votes in the US senate and his recent gay rights bill that he sponsored all contributed to the Unites States losing its status as a nation that “trusts in G-d”

    And as for the bloggers who use this portal to spread their left wing, G-dless, venom they should consider the punishment for causing other Jews to sin. So if you like limp-wristed radicals and their evil political tactics, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! This is an ORTHODOX Jewish blog where we try to promote the truth of the holy Torah and Senator Lieberman spent decades trying (although he may be a tinok sheh-nishbah) to inject liberal doctrine into American domestic policy and law that are antithetical to our Torah.

    He may be a shomer shabbos but so is candidate Weprin. I do not get it….If I keep Shabbos then I have the licence to be a menuval in public. There are 7 Noachide Laws. Abortion is Murder for gentiles. Gay rights is Sexual deviancy. So Lieberman has effectively helped strip away two out of the seven universal laws for humanity. Also, “Dinim”, one of the Seven Noachide Laws, which requires the govenment to uphold the other six laws has also been compromised by the liberal legislators’ voting for the enactment of pro-“choice” and pro gay-rights bills. So that is 3 out of seven eternal laws that have been scrapped for the sake of “societal advancement”

    My friends, we are in a heap of trouble and the least we can do is to express our public outrage and non-conformity…a “mach-uh-ah” if you will. Otherwise, heaven forbid, we will be held accountable as if we contributed to this pagan morass ourselves. Educate all who you can that voting for liberals is against halacha. Period

  2. Joseph,

    Sen. Lieberman simply wanted the US military to have the same position on gays as does the IDF. What is wrong with that?

  3. Charlie,
    Although The US and Israel (to a certain degree) are Secular Societies; and feel they must protect every persons perception of “equal rights”, 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

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