Woman’s Body Recovered From Niagara River

Authorities say a woman’s body has been recovered from the Niagara River, not far from where a 19-year-old Japanese student was swept over Niagara Falls after tumbling into the water.

New York State Park Police say the body was spotted around 10 a.m. Thursday by an employee at the Cave of the Winds, a tourist attraction on the American side of the falls. The discovery was made three days after searchers looking for the woman found the body of a man from Hamilton, Ontario, who had been reported missing.

Officials say the woman’s body has been taken a Buffalo hospital for autopsy and identification.

Canadian police say the Japanese woman was visiting the Canadian side of the falls Sunday night when she climbed onto a railing along the river and fell in near the brink of the falls.

(Source: NY Post)

One Response

  1. There are so many warning signs around the falls. The area is beautiful and dangerous, yet people continue to take foolish chances as if nothing could possibly happen to them. Why keep on testing fate? Seriously, Hashem has created wondrous and miraculous things for us to see, but we have to understand the dangers of getting too close. Do NOT ignore the warning signs and the rules when traveling. The rules are in place to protect you.

    We are commanded to put up gates and fences around dangerous areas, but if we listen to our yetzer horah and climb over the fence or sit on the fence that Hashem commanded us to put up for protection, then we are putting our lives in danger.

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