Bloomberg Defends Obama’s Vacationing

President Barack Obama may be taking heat from Republicans for going on a two-week summer vacation, but at least he can count on support from Mayor Bloomberg.

“Look, everybody deserves a vacation, and he’s gotta decide what’s right and set his own schedule, and I’ll leave that to him,” Bloomberg said at a news conference Thursday.

Bloomberg added, “The guy works pretty hard, he has a right of vacation. And incidentally, the phones work from Martha’s Vineyard so he’s not exactly out of touch.”

It was during the president’s vacation on Martha’s Vineyard last summer that Bloomberg was invited to play golf.  After that outing, Bloomberg was quoted by Rupert Murdoch as saying Obama was the “most arrogant man” he had ever met.


4 Responses

  1. and at least he can’t do any harm while he’s on vacation – isn’t the goal of the Republican Party to arrange for him to go on a very long vacation starting on 1/20/13

  2. Of course Bloomy wouldn’t have a problem with all these vacations, after all Bloomy himself escapes NYC on his evil private jet just about every weekend!

  3. IF the president was a mentsch, he would be ashamed to be taking so many vacations while young Americans are risking their lives in combat! Where are the luxury vacations for THEM!!!

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