Report: Christie Fires Yiddish Expletive At Bloomberg Over 9/11 Invitation Snub

A printed report says that an angry New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had some choice words for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The New York Post reports Christie called Bloomberg a dictator, Napoleon, and a putz.

Christie was reportedly fuming over Bloomberg not having invited former New Jersey Gov. Donald DiFrancesco to this year’s 9/11 ceremony.

DiFrancesco was governor during the 9/11 attacks, having taken the place of Christie Whitman, who left to become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Bloomberg was asked Thursday if he had heard from Christie.

“Gov. Christie has not called me and he’s not a shrinking violet. If he had something to say, I’m sure he’d pick up the phone. But you know, when it comes to 9/11, I don’t think the public is interested in some of these probably made up stories about political squabbling,” said Bloomberg.

Made up or not, the mayor has, as of today, invited DiFrancesco, saying all the former governor had to do was ask to come.

“Gov. Christie’s staff did call our office asking that former Gov. DiFrancesco be asked to speak and we said yes. He was the governor at the time of the terrible event on 9/11, as was Gov. [George] Pataki, who is speaking,” said Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, Christie said Thursday that he was not upset.

“I think I am renowned in the region as a peacemaker,” said Christie, who denies any border war with Bloomberg. “This is about me standing up for New Jersey.”

Though Christie is happy that DiFrancesco is now being included, he is not happy that new Port Authority chairman David Samson has yet to be invited.

“I’m certainly hopeful that the mayor will re-evaluate his decision about excluding another New Jersey person,” said Christie, who noted that, as Port Authority chairman, Samson manages the World Trade Center property.

Bloomberg said that, in the end, the day is not about the politicians but the families.

(Source: WCBS 880)

One Response

  1. keep the politics out!since when is it christies business to take offense for every yukel out there? the most important thing should be to make sure the famalies of the victims are there and should be respected. period!

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