IAF Strikes Gaza – Senior Terror Commander Eliminated

Israel Defense Forces aircraft struck targets in the Gaza Strip on Thursday evening, hours after a series of terror attacks in southern Israel left seven people dead and dozens wounded.

Palestinians in Gaza said that six people had been killed in the strikes including a senior commander in the Popular Resistance Committees.

The Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), a faction that often operates independently from Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers, identified their dead commander as Kamal al-Nairab. An Israeli military source confirmed the air strike in Rafah town.

(Source: Haaretz / Ynet)

11 Responses

  1. This tit for tat was of attrition needs to stop. Israel needs to level the gaza area once and for all. Clear it out of all inhabitants and give them a one way bus ride to either jordan or egypt.
    This will go well with the tent protesters as there will now be cheap land for them to live on

  2. A waste of extremely expensive munitions.

    Save it for the soon-coming war to wipe the enemy off the map once and for all.

    May we all be zoche to see Gush Katif be rebuilt over the next few years!

  3. torahtotty,

    I don;t think it’s right for Israel to clear out all inhabitants. Just lock them in, and they will do it to themselves. Furthermore, we can pray for a direct tsunami.

  4. I wouldn’t trust my back in a combat situation with any of you armchair rambos…so untrained…so safe…no military experience…such big mouths.

  5. …I’d like to add to my comment in #5….I wouldn’t trust you guys not to wet your pants if told to police a prison tier.

  6. Yonason- With all due respect, this is the internet; people are allowed to speculate. Besides, military experience in not needed when praying for the demise of our enemies.

  7. This is nothing but public relations propaganda. The Zionists know perfectly well that the degree of sophistication of these attacks could have only been carried out by Egyptians accessing military hardware. Notice that they do not identify who the attackers were or killed. It has nothing to do with Gaza and they know it.

  8. It is a worthwhile endeavor, my dear “Your Sister,” to resist the saber rattling of armchair militarists who only add to what is a deadly serious problem. This ain’t baseball, where the most unfit are free to tell an infielder how to play…the issues are too deadly.

    Collectively, all of those who mouth off about “annihilating” another people are part of the problem. The day we can no longer see our enemies as people then we become part of the disease that has killed so many of us. That is a lesson some of us learned well 40 some odd years ago in Vietnam . . . and is one my father preached after his service in Europe during WWII…it is one I wish more of you understood.

  9. Furthermore, what is all this silly media language of “eliminating” this leader or that leader in Gaza. The “leaders” are often just 20 year old kids who are easily replaceable. Why does Zionist media always magnify the significance of all this?!

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