Rev. Al Sharpton May Skip Riot Panel After Jewish Groups Protest

The Rev. Al Sharpton may skip a panel discussion in the Hamptons on the 1991 Crown Heights riots after Jewish leaders blasted the organizer for inviting him.

“I may or may not go. I refuse to play into their extremism,” Sharpton said last night. “If it is not an event that will heal, it is not an event that I will partake in.”

Controversial rabbi-to-the stars Marc Schneier planned the Sunday confab to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the violence in Brooklyn between blacks and Hasidic Jews. Schneier defended his decision to invite Sharpton, saying the event will focus on the state of relations between the two communities.

“It’s an opportunity to have a frank and open exchange, and to clear the air,” Schneier said. “It is not a discussion about Crown Heights [in 1991]. It’s about the state of black and Jewish relations 20 years later.”


7 Responses

  1. He will go because he craves the attention. And if he doesn’t go, I will bet dollars to donuts there will be a major shakedown from his “organization” which will net them more money.

  2. This week’s article in Mishpacha magazine on the Crown Heights riots, written by Eytan Kobre, singles out Sharpton (not REVEREND Sharpton) as the key provocateur who triggered the Crown Heights Pogrom.

    This old Liberal fool, Schneir, has some gall inviting the man who caused murder and mayhem in Crown Heights to “discuss” the pogrom.

    It’s like inviting Hitler to “discuss” the Holocaust!

  3. I personally abhor the term “anniversary of the violence in Brooklyn BETWEEN BLACKS AND HASIDIC JEWS” it should read “anniversary of the violence in Brooklyn PERPETUATED BY BLACKS AGAINST HASIDIC JEWS” There was no violence from the Hasidic side. There was no incitement on the Hasidic side.
    SAY IT AS IT IS!!!!

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