Weprin: Same-Gender Marriage Is Not A Religious Issue; Faces Backlash From Jewish Community

The first New York politician imperiled by voting for same-gender marriage isn’t an upstate Republican senator – it’s a Democratic Assemblyman from New York City scrambling to hold his support in a special election.

Insiders say Assemblyman David Weprin, running in the special election for Anthony Weiner’s congressional seat, is facing a revolt among Orthodox Jews – though he himself is an Orthodox Jew – because he strongly defended same-gender marriage during an Albany debate.

In his June 15 speech, Weprin said his own Orthodox rabbi would not marry a Jew and a non-Jew, which he felt was wrong – and that same-gender marriage was no different.

“My religion is very important to me personally, but this is not a religious issue,” Weprin said. “I think everyone here would agree that we should not be outlawing marriages between Jews and non-Jews or interracial marriages.”

With most of the attention at the time focused on the vote counting in the state Senate, Weprin’s comment garnered little notice in the wider world. But his rhetoric has since gained wide attention by many in the Orthodox Jewish community, and videos of his speech have rocketed across their websites.

Democratic and Republican insiders say that speech, more than former Mayor Ed Koch’s efforts to tie Weprin to President Barack Obama on Israel, has put the Orthodox vote in play – providing a huge boon to his Irish Catholic Republican opponent, Bob Turner.

It was not so much the vote itself, but the way Weprin argued in favor of the bill by tying it to his faith, neighborhood political observers say, noting Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver also voted for the bill but was far less vocal.

And though the Orthodox population in Kew Gardens and especially in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Flatbush does not make up an overwhelming part of the district, the community is full of committed voters who could well make a difference in a low turnout special election.

“What he said in the Assembly has been played over-and-over on YouTube,” said one well-connected neutral observer of the race. “People were really offended that he said he was an Orthodox who was supporting gay marriage.”

During the campaign, some rabbis have refused to meet with Weprin, while the newspaper Hamodia reported that others have refused to be photographed with the assemblyman.

Weprin met Wednesday with the influential leadership of the giant Jewish social services organization Agudath Israel. But he walked out of the room without securing the leadership’s endorsement, despite steering massive Council grants to the group.

The main consultant on Weprin’s campaign is the Parkside Group, which counts most of its clients in Queens. But Weprin has also retained the Friedlander Group, a well-known consulting firm in Brooklyn’s Orthodox community, to help rally support there.

Ezra Friedlander, the firm’s CEO, said Orthodox voters would ultimately support Weprin because of his track record on other issues. Friedlander cited everything from Weprin’s strong stance against the Department of Health’s efforts to ban certain circumcision rites, to the fact Weprin once came under rocket attack in Israel while delivering bulletproof vests, to his extensive efforts to fight autism.

“David Weprin is better qualified to represent this community than probably anyone who has ever run for Congress,” Friedlander said. “Of course you’re not going to see eye-to-eye on every single issue. But if you look at the totality, it’s not even a race.”


29 Responses

  1. another jewish politician making a kiddush hashem. when will we learn that the less “orthodox” politicians the better off we are. then we dont have idiots claiming to represent torah view points who have no clue

  2. “Ezra Friedlander, the firm’s CEO, said Orthodox voters would ultimately support Weprin because of his track record on other issues.”

    Mr. Friedlander, have you ever met a Toiva supporter you didn’t like.

    For shame!

  3. We shall bear in mind that Friedlander is the one who wrote an Op-Ed for Hamodia stating that we ought to discard religion in the voting booth. How fitting it is for him to defend Weprin!

  4. He’s correct…it’s as much a religious issue as are secular circumcisions. I think a lot of Yidden are simply over-excised on any issue having to do with gender relations and under-excised on any other failings. The Yidden doth protest too much.


    This guy is NOT A JEW in this world.
    (I am taking poetic licence with that statement)
    I suggest his punishment in the next world will be big time severe

  6. How about loshon hora or sinas chinum, DACON9, about which we are told we can lose Olam Haba? I guess those of your mindset don’t think those are “MAJOR TRANSGRESSIONS,” worthy of bold print and revulsion, for I see more of those hets well and alive here, rather than being protested against.

  7. “My religion is very important to me personally, but this is not a religious issue,” Weprin said. “I think everyone here would agree that we should not be outlawing marriages between Jews and non-Jews or interracial marriages.”

    A) Interracial marriages are absolutely not frowned upon by the Torah.

    B) The comparison between same-gender marriage and intermarriage goes beyond ludicrous. We live in a non-jewish society and there is nothing immoral for a non-jew to marry a jew – fur the non-jew that is. Outlawing intermarriage wouod not be any different than say legislating an obpigation for all New Yorkers to put on teffilin every day. Same gender marriage is something that any Torah jew would consider immoral and not any different than robbery. We dont think we should legislating religion

  8. I have boycotted Hamodia of years, they promote liberal politicians, and this is what you get. Liberalism is sheker and anti torah.

  9. As a religious Jewish politician all he should stand for is equal rights but not for same sex marriage-this is a disgrace and people should not vote for him-because of this and other issues.

  10. A very important thing to find out is, where does Bob Turner stand on issues that heavily impact our community’s pocket like Seniors, Unemployment, help for job seekers, the disabled, food stamp recipients if we can be satisfied with his answers perhaps we can put him in rather than sit on our hands as many are likely to. It seems to me we have what to gain by pushing him hard now and turning out for him.

  11. wow, and to think I shook his hand yesterday.

    If I could vote twice I would vote for Turner (and even though I can’t I’ll still vote for him)

  12. Agudah & Friedlander both see $$$$$$ above Torah Values.
    You can’t have it both ways! You either stand for Torah Values or you sell out for the dollar.

    David Weprin is a fine, caring person who supports Israel and Jewish issues as HE sees them. The problem is that he sees these social issues through the misinterpretation of the MODERN Orthodox who sometimes fall into the category of Conservadox. They have become totally confused. Nebech.

  13. Never mind that porhibition of Mishkav Zochor is 1 of the 7 Noahide laws the non-jews must keep and jews are not allowed to oppose. Same gender marriage is one of the symbols of the decadence of society. When a so-called orthodox jew not only supports it but actually pushes this abdomination, it is a huge Chillul Hashem.
    Those who compare this issue to mixed marriage which has nothing to do with non-jews or morality, are so off the mark that it’s ludicrous.
    #12: Modern Orthodox are definitely more dangerous than Non-Orthodox in many ways.

  14. If Weprin would ch”v win the election, he will be the only “orthodox” member of the House. And he will support and fight for legalizing Toiva in the whole country. Can any Frum Yid support such travesty???

  15. The foto accompanying this article was taken at this year’s “Gay Pride” parade in Manhattan, where Weprin is shown enthusiastically waving the Gay “Rainbow” flag, while marhing down Fifth Avenue, together with the lowest degenerates on earth, including , NAMBLA, the group that advocates relations with young boys.

    I don’t understand how we could even consider voting for someone who personally associates with such people, after the shock we lived through with the pedophile who kinnapped Leiby Kletsky.

  16. #16 – A pedophile kidnapped Leiby Kletzky?

    You know I always watch your comments here. You are one delusional person who not only constantly spews hateful comments, but you have a track-record of making things up out of thin air.

    Since when was his kidnapper a pedophile? Enlighten us all. I am following the case quite closely, and haven’t seen anything about a pedophile.

  17. sane conservative says “Modern Orthodox are definitely more dangerous than Non-Orthodox in many ways. And only a week after Tisha B’Av too…pathetic

  18. # 17 R’ Yehuda Levin commented that the murder of Yehuda ben Nachman a”h was Hashem’s punishment for NY’s toeiva marriage law. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

  19. Ferd (no 17):
    “A pedophile kidnapped Leiby Kletzky?”

    Yes. The news reports clearly stated that Laiby Klrtsky’s murderer was known to all the kids in the neighborhood as a dangerous man.

    WCBS News reported that the Police searched his apartment for three days and found bags and bags of childrn’s clothing.

    And, by the way, where is your common sense? Don’t you understand that he had something in mind when he kidnapped Leiby, and it wasn’t treating him to a ball game.

  20. #20 – Once again, you are spewing your hallucinations out to the public as facts.

    #1- Bags of children’s clothing were removed.

    That was a news report from the NY Post who quoted anonymous police sources.. Did the NYPD or the DA release any info that they in fact removed children’s clothing? or do you believe every stupid report from the NY Post? Besides, suppose they did remove children’s clothing. Who said it wasn’t his families clothing? Who said his mother wasn’t storing things in his apartment (they lived downstairs)? How do you know?

    The answer is, you don’t.

    You are making stories up, and jumping to conclusions.

    Besides what does owning children’s clothing make someone a pedophile?

    #2- The news reports clearly stated that Leiby Kletsky’s murderer was known to all the kids in the neighborhood as a dangerous man.


    One retarded lady made such a claim. I just happen to live very close by, and know Levi Aron. I daven with his father in shul. He never spoke to anyone, and no one even noticed that he even lived there (that’s how quiet he was).

    But delusional imbeciles like you (just like you do with your throes on vaccinations causing autism that you have lied about on YWN repeatedly for years, even after being proved to be a farce) have decided that Levi Aron was known to “all the kids in the neighborhood as a dangerous man’.

    #3- You are correct he kidnapped him for a bad reason. That was to KILL HIM. This man is a serial killer. It could be it was his first kill, but that it was he is.

    To label him a pedophile, without any proof of that whatsoever is just absolutely sick, and an outright lie. The D.A. repeatedly said there was no signs of any sexual abuse on the victim.

    You are a sick person who should not be permitted to comment on YWN.

  21. Dear Ferd (no. 21):

    One more time: The Skulener Rebbe’s comment on this Laiby Kletsky case, at a Boro Park asifa was as follow:

    “Cherev Nokemes Nekam Bris!”–This is G-D’s wake-up call for the sin of immoral pedophile activities. We must start reporting these prople to the Rabbis, so that action can be taken.” (At Ateres Golda)

    So, you see, the Rebbe also points a finger at the sin of pedophelia in this case!

  22. No. 21 wrote: You are correct he kidnapped him for a bad reason. That was to KILL HIM.”

    WRONG! The Police Commissioner made it very clear at his press conference that the murder was not originally intended. Levi panicked and killed laiby when he realized that the whole world was out searching for the boy.

  23. I knew Weprin years ago. He met his first wife (they were subsequently divorced) at a Singles Shabbaton at a shul in Forest Hills. This was in the early 1980’s.

    Apparently Weprin and Turner will be in Kew Gardens Hills this Monday.

    As seen in the 8/18/11 Queens Tribune [p.10]…

    The Queens Civic Congress is hosting a Candidates’ Forum between Bob Turner and Assemblyman David Weprin at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills Center, 70-11 150th St., on Monday, August 22 at 7:30pm. Open to the public.

    For more information call 718-539-8462.

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