Lakewood: Frum Homeowner Holds Would-Be Burglar At Gunpoint

The following is a LakewoodScoop exclusive report:

A burglar attempting to break in to a Frum home was not expecting to be looking straight down the barrel of a gun and begging for his life. The frightening incident occurred at about 4:20 AM Wednesday morning when a local resident woke to what he believed was one of his children walking in the hallway.

Realizing it wasn’t, the homeowner got out of bed and started for the stairs.

When he got to the stairs, he noticed the front door handle beginning to turn and headed back to his bedroom. But not to go back to sleep.

He immediate woke his wife while he unlocked the combination to his gun safe under his bed, and told her to call police.

“I told her to tell Police that there’s someone breaking in and that I have a gun”, the homeowner revealed EXCLUSIVELY to TLS.

The homeowner headed down the stairs to the front door and hid behind the door figuring he’d shoot the would-be burglar, should he break-in.

But while waiting behind the door, the homeowner looked into the kitchen and saw the suspect at the sliding door, attempting to make his way in from there.

“FREEZE OR I’LL SHOOT”, the homeowner yelled through the sliding door, while pointing his 45 Caliber Glock at the suspect with the gun’s barrel and laser pointing right at his face.

The suspect immediately lifted his hands and pleaded, “DON”T SHOOT, DON’T SHOOT”.

“YOU MAKE ONE MOVE AND I’LL SHOOT”, the homeowner again yelled, with his finger on the trigger.

Seconds later, a Lakewood Officer with his gun drawn ran up to the burglar and told him freeze, while the officer held him at gunpoint waiting for backup to arrive.

Once Lakewood Police were on him, the homeowner lowered his weapon and let Police handle the rest.

“Moments later, another officer arrived and put the guy in handcuffs and took him away”, says the homeowner.

Asked if he was nervous, the homeowner tells TLS, “I was actually quite surprised, I remained collective the entire time”. “I played out this scenario in my head many times”, the homeowner says.

The homeowner says he owns several guns, but the Glock used in this incident was purchased just a couple months ago.

The suspect, described as an approximately 20 year-old white male, was arrested and taken into custody.

No charges were filed against the homeowner.

(Source: The Lakewood Scoop)

17 Responses

  1. The NY gun laws for law-abiding citizens make it very hard to get a gun. I tried. Well done, Mr. NJ. I like a Glock, BTW! Good shooter. Watch out, bad guys, we will not lie back & take it, at least not in normal states like NJ & Virginia. New York is always on the side of the criminal & makes it virtually impossible for us to protect ourselves.

  2. If he heard him at the door, he has no legal right to shoot him, he should chase him away, and can no l longer claim self defense. With the exception of Texas, being on ones property is not grounds for lethal force.

  3. But, wait one second. I thought it was impossible for an average citizen to use a firearm to defend himself? Isn’t the gun more likely to be used to kill someone in his own family? Aren’t guns only owned by “rage filled” irresponsible people? Oh, I guess not. WAKE UP JEWS!

  4. It’s VERY EASY to get a gun permit in NY, it just takes patience and alot of zrezus. last week’s parsha, mitzvas aseh to guard ourselves extremely well. Not all of us plan on going like sheep.

  5. Did he get permission from the Rabbonim to be a gun toting Jew?? or is he a rebel?? just kidding, start the trend way to go, let’s see ALL Avreichim with gun permits and pistols, teach ’em!!

  6. I didnt know N.Y was so hard to by a gun simply owning a gun with out getting a carry permit shouldnt be that hard, i guess its time to sue the government in n.y.Bestbubby and those in N.Y theres a way around it if you go to any gun free state PA, DE, VA, etc. they will sell you a rifle or shotgun without any paper work only a drivers license and its 100% legal they wont sell you a handgun though for a handgun you can only buy in your home state thats the federal law

  7. Did he get a release form from the Lakewood Vaad to have a gun in his house? Or is the internet more dangerous than guns?

    This article is going to cause a lot of people to run out and buy guns. The next story might not have such a happy ending R”L.

    “Man Shoots Brother-In-Law By Accident.”


    “Father Forgets that his son is coming home late from Wedding, Holds him at gunpoint.”

  8. Good Job-Boruch Hashem-In areas where more homeowners own guns (i.e. where the process is a lot easier and peole have common sense) there is much less home invasion-it is the biggest deterrent-obviously-but try explaining it to an anti gun person-any time there’s a shooting they start saying you need stricter gun laws. The opposite is true. Criminals will always get their hands on the guns. If the law abiding citizens have guns there is much more deternce-as witnessed by this story and less crime-COMMON SENSE.

  9. #10 seems like you bought the liberal propaganda, the fact is outside Ny nj ct md, the rest of the country guns are as common in the household like a roll of scotch tape its a non issue, people do not get shot by mistake there are no shootout in the streets children dont take their fathers gun and shoot themselves it just doesnt happen, to take it one step further child accidental shooting are almost zero percent maybe if your lucky a couple a year in the entire country contrast that with children drowning at approx. 2500 per year i think if someone wants to be intellectually honest and really save lives they should open an organization to prevent child drownings in home pools and not go after guns where accidental deaths just dont happen. I guess its just political expedient so there you have it politicians dont give a hoot about saving lives but only to further their political ambitions weather it makes sense or not

  10. I am pleased that (a) the homeowner keeps his guns safely locked so his children cannot hurt themselves or others (G-d forbid), and (b) that this case helps prove that a gun lock doesn’t prevent a homeowner from protecting his home.

  11. Although it is far more expensive than it should be, New Yorkers CAN get ‘premises’ (i.e. for the home) handgun permits.
    For a much smaller fee one can get a rifle/shotgun permit.
    I urge all mature Jewish adults (who feel they are capable and responsible) to learn the proper and safe use and ownership of firearms, and to have them (safely) in their homes as this individual did.
    When the savages are breaking down your door there is rarely enough time to call the police, much less for them to arrive in time to defend you.
    As it is said…
    Better to have a firearm and never need it, than to need it and not have it!

  12. “I played out this scenario in my head many times”, the homeowner says.” this is a sure sign that you have been sitting in front of a shtender for way longer than you should who plays out such situations even once?

  13. Actually, he was very lucky. If the criminal had had a gun, things might have ended very tragically for him and his family.

    He may have fired and missed. Then the criminal would have gone for the kill.

    If you’re going to do this, you better be sure you hit your target, and the only way to be absolutely sure you don’t miss is to use a 12-gauge shotgun, loaded with a man-stopping shell no. 00 (double zero).

    Just be sure there is no one behing the wall, because this shell is powerful enough to penetrate three walls.

    If you’re not sure, use birdshot.

  14. deepthinker…

    Shotguns are definitely a good option for home defense, but this guy did have a laser sight ON the intruder and the bad guy KNEW it! The homeowner seems like an experienced shooter and under the circumstances described, I doubt he would have missed.

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