Rep. Pete King Demands Probe On American-Born Al Qaeda Imam’s Role In 9/11 Attacks

Rep. Pete King is reexamining whether an American imam turned top Al Qaeda recruiter played a role in the 9/11 attacks.

New Mexico-born Anwar Al-Awlaki, now on the run from U.S. drones in Yemen, preached to two of the 9/11 hijackers at a San Diego mosque.

When Al-Awlaki moved to a Northern Virginia mosque in 2000, the two terrorists soon joined him there.

The 9/11 Commission found that the events “may not have been coincidental,” but could not determine whether the cleric knew about the attack plot, which killed nearly 3,000 people.

King (R-Nassau), the boss of the House Homeland Security Committee, requested Al Awlaki’s dossier from Attorney General Eric Holder. King said he believes Al-Awlaki “may have played greater roles in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, as well as other terrorist plots, than those of which we have been previously aware.”


5 Responses

  1. A Congressional investigation is inappropriate. It isn’t the function of the legislature to conduct inquiries in criminal matters (treason, murder, etc.). If one was a real old fashioned conservative, one would ask a grand jury to investigate and indict him, and after apprehended he could be tried and executed. For those who aren’t all that conservative in such matters (ahh, what’s “bill of rights” between friends), and that includes people like Obama and Bush, a predator drone is an alternative to a criminal proceeding. However – that is not what the legislature does, and if separation of powers means anything, he should leave this to the appropriate branch.

  2. Good for Peter King for trying. But does he not realize in America you cannot bother arabs or Mexicans, as they can roam free? Does he even not know that no profiling means you can bother EVERYONE ELSE but those LIKELY to be associated with the traits and characteristics of those most likely to commit or have committed an offense. America!

  3. 1. Please dont preach to us about “real old fashioned conservatives” because you certainly are not one. I would like to see a real old fashioned “democrat” though, one that holds of the party’s views BEFORE they were highjacked far to the left by Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, and FDR.

  4. Obama’s approach (outsourcing to the CIA to use a predator – if the guy wants a trial he should come to USA of his own accord) seems fine to me.

    But what on earth is the legislature doing kibbitzing on the matter? They should go reduce some deficit or do something useful with their time.

  5. #4

    The House tried to reign in socialist liberal spending but alas Prince Harry & King Obama weren’t interested in doing the same.

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