Searchers Looking For 19-Year-Old Japanese Student Swept Over Niagara Falls Find Man’s Body Instead

Authorities searching for the remains of a Japanese woman who fell into the water at Niagara Falls were surprised to find the body of a man instead.

The unidentified male, whose remains were discovered in the whirlpool below the falls, was spotted by an Erie County Sheriff’s department helicopter search crew, according to The Associated Press.

The death is likely unrelated, authorities said.

Police were searching the waters at the base of the waterfall for a 19-year-old international student, whose name has not been released pending notification of her family.

The woman slipped into the fast-moving water after staddling a railing while holding an umbrella around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, Niagara Parks Police Chief Doug Kane said, according to the Toronto Star newspaper.

She then fell more than 80 feet into the water near Horseshoe Falls and was instantly swept away by the fast moving current. The woman’s friend, who was taking the victim’s picture at the time, quickly called 911.

(Source: NY Daily News)

2 Responses

  1. speed, slow down! Are you Hashem’s secretary that you know this is punished for this, that one is punished for that? Don’t make a fool of yourself! The bachurim, knowingly or not, committed a type of crime which is punished very severely in Japan. That’s why, Japan has almost no drug-related issues. Not like the US, or Europe. As a matter of fact, the bachurim were handled much more leniently by the Japanese than others who commit the same type of crime.

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