NYPD Officers Protecting Verizon Strikers & Facilities

The NYPD is using crucial anti-terror resources to protect Verizon workers and equipment during a massive strike against the telecom giant, The Post has learned.

The short-staffed department, already stretched thin in all five boroughs, is monitoring Verizon garages and following its trucks with cops from all over the city, including members of the Critical Response anti-terrorism units.

“We have to follow Verizon trucks all day,” said one disgruntled officer. “Why don’t they have private security? Why are police being used to help a private company?”

A police spokeswoman said the anti-terror resource was “deployed to protect any city infrastructure that may be at risk.”


3 Responses

  1. The strikers don’t need protecting! If the strikers are threatening Verizon employees and facilities the answer is to round up the strikers, send them to Rikers Island, and use RICO to shut down the union. If the Obama’s administration’s pro-union policies have caused the union to feel they can sabotage the communications infrastructure with impunity, so much that anti-terror units are needed to control them, then it is time for this to be a major issue.

  2. To all of the New York officers having to do this job; thank you. My husband is up there working and having to be trailed by a police officer everyday. Personally, yes, I do think that you should be doing police work instead of being a “security guard” but me and my three girls are incredibly greatful for the work that is being done.

  3. akuperma: NYPD is not protecting the strikers, it is protecting the non-union workers, e.g. managers, who are working. This is not an Obama thing: union members taking illegal action against managers, “scabs,” etc. or damaging equipment is something that has been going on for decades. It is not right and that is why NYPD is deployed.

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