Lawyer For Leiby Kletzky’s Killer Blasts Daily News

A lawyer for Levi Aron, the man accused of killing Leiby Kletzky A”H, criticized The Daily News Friday for interviewing Levi Aron from behind bars.

Jennifer McCann, one of Aron’s lawyers, blasted The Daily News for interviewing a suspect who is mentally unfit to consent to an interview.

“The decision of The Daily News to circumvent the system and this office in attempting to sell papers is deplorable,” said McCann in a statement. “There is not a day that passes that I do not remember that this case involves a horrible crime against a young boy. I have asked the press to treat this case with dignity and my requests have not been honored. Ethics and justice seem to have no meaning when the sale of newspapers is involved.”

(Source: NY1)

10 Responses

  1. Mz. Mcmann, because your a liar claiming he’s insane, doesn’t give you the right to hold back the truth-diggers….

  2. What a crock!!! She took this case for the same reason, Ethics and justice seem to have no meaning if it can further her career!

  3. Probably no harm done since there wasn’t any way they could have the case tried before a jury in the Daily News’s circulation area. Assuming an insanity defense, it isn’t clear the interview hurts the defendant – he didn’t seem very normal in the interview.

  4. Whoa!!!!! Look who’s talking about ethics. the person whos defending the Butcher of Boro Park.
    I gotta say, she makes a good lawyer!!!

  5. all you posters say what you want , however you are forgetting that the lawyer is doing there job , and push comes to shove if they lawyers can prove that there client can’t get a fair trial in Brooklyn , then the case gets moved and then it is any ones guess as to what the outcome would be.
    think why the feds don’t want this case.

  6. boo hoo, wow, i really fell bad for her (sarcastic). but really who cares what she thinks, she doesnt and will never understand us cause she is not jewish or remotely jewish, so whatever she says is stupid. we really need hashem’s help with this to see that this monster is punished!!!

  7. #8 – but what if it was a crazy Yid whose mind was so messed up by drugs some doctor gave him that he was unable to know what he was going – if he was a monster, whose fault was that? People on medicines that play with their minds often act even crazier, especially if they skip a dose.

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