Mother Pleads With Doctors To Keep Her Daughter Alive

ruchama.jpgYeshivaworld had reported two weeks ago about a little girl who was R”L found at the bottom of a North Miami Beach swimming pool. We had posted urgent requests for Tehillim. At this time, her condition remains the same – with her on life support. The North Miami Beach hospital, is threatening to “pull the plug” due to Florida law which considers her dead. According to Halachah, the child is 100% alive. The family has pleaded with Yeshivaworld to please ask people to be Mispallel for Ruchama Aliza Sarah Chana bas Esther Leiba.

Click HERE to watch video.

15 Responses

  1. Our hearts go out to the family.

    Hashem should bless and comfort you in all revealed and immediate ways.

    Judeo will support the family’s efforts to save their precious child, a gift from the Abishter.

    Hashem should help us to hear good news in the immediate future.

  2. Please cry your hearts out for this little girl. As is known, sometimes the gates of Heaven can only be opened with tears. May Hashem grant Ruchama Aliza Sara Chana bas Esther Liba a complete refuah shelayma bekarov.

  3. Is there any way to make our voices heard to protest pulling the plug? Somehow get public attention focused on the story so that at least we buy more time?

  4. As somone who has lost a child myself I can’t bear to watch as a hospital and/or a goverment will take someone elses child from the. IT’S TOO MUCH!! Is ther anyone that we can contact? Send e-mails to? But let’s not forget to have Aliza in mind in our Teffilos.

  5. There have been numerous stories where Doctors have given up on Brain dead patients-and the patients are walking around today.Al tisya’esh min harachamim..

  6. Jackson Memorial Hospital Retracts Monday Deadline!

    JMH has withdrawn the Monday deadline requiring Ruchama Aliza to be out of the hospital or off life support by Monday. The time frame is not indefinite but is expected to be for enough time to find a new facility for Ruchama Aliza. The family has a strong possibility of obtaining a facility out of state but is still very interested in locating one in South Florida. Having Ruchama Aliza out of state will create extreme difficulties involving their working and keeping the family close together. Please forward to Joseph Davidsohn at jdavidsohn(at) any information that can assist the family in keeping Ruchama Aliza in South Florida.

  7. Please cry your hearts out for this little girl. IY”H the gates of Heaven will be opened with tears. May Hashem grant Ruchama Aliza Sara Chana bas Esther Liba a complete refuah shelayma bekarov.

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