Rabbi Stabbed In Germany While Walking Home From Shul

knife.jpgA 42-year-old rabbi was stabbed in the stomach Friday night while walking home from Shul on a Frankfurt street. The rabbi underwent surgery after the Friday night attack and appears to be in stable condition. The rabbi, whose name was not disclosed, was walking with two other people when they encountered the assailant and two women, a police statement said.

The man, whom witnesses described as possibly Arab, spoke to the rabbi (in what sounded like Arabic) for a seconds – and then suddenly stabbed him. The attacker fled and the women who were with him ran in different directions.

Police said there were no indications that the man had planned his attack, and are searching for the attacker.

Please say tehillim for Schneuer Zalman ben Chana.

(Sources: International Herald Tribune / Haaretz / Arutz Sheva)

3 Responses

  1. The Rabbi is Rabbi Zalman Gurevitch (Chabad Shliach of Frankfurt, Germany). His situation is stable and the doctors are hopefull that he will out of the hospital by Rosh Hashana.
    Please say Tehilim for Shneur Zalman ben Chana Gurewitz.

  2. We would like to wish a Refuoh Shelemoh to Raw
    Gurewitch so that he will be able to continue
    his wounderfull work in Frankfurt.

    We have a gewaltige Hakorass Hatoiw we used to meet him during the Frankfurt Hometextil show

    A git gebenscht Juhr

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