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Maran Hagoen Rav Shmuel Berenbaum To Attend AIRF Asifa In Lakewood

Darkness is slowly descending over Eretz Yisroel. At this time of year, the shadows are already long and the sun is about to slip under the horizon as all over the country thousands of Bnei Torah hurry home from seder. The sweet sounds of the Torah still linger in the air and in their minds as they slowly come back down to earth from the spiritual heights they had been scaling just a few moments earlier. As they arrive home just as the last rays of light disappear, they return to facing the concerns of the mundane world with a thud.

On many tables, an exceedingly modest meal is laid out; on some it is practically bare. Their loyal wives, toiling along with them in the sacrificing of material benefits in favor of their husband’s growth in Torah, must share with them the dire news of a precarious financial situation.

Beyond the basic struggle for daily sustenance, there are constantly mounting bills for the daily needs of their large mishpachos which need to be met, and what precious little wherewithal they have is already spread far too thin. This scene repeats itself in thousands of homes throughout the country, as the couple sits down to their meager repast, clouds of fear and uncertainty hang overhead, making the atmosphere heavy with a sense of anxiety.

Anatomy of a Crisis

It wasn’t always this hard. Until 2001, while the life of a Ben Torah in Eretz Yisroel was certainly never easy, it was manageable. Between the stipend he received from Kollel, the work his wife managed to perform between her duties in the care of her family, and the social assistance given by the government to large families whose head of household was engaged in full-time learning, they were able to squeeze by. Beginning with the Sharon government in 2001 and the concurrent ascendance of virulently anti-religious parties as integral parts of the coalition, previously self-understood arrangements by which the government came to the aid of the weaker segments in society (aid which incidentally continued and even increased to groups such as university students) were abandoned in the race to curry favor amongst those opposed to the Torah way of life. And once the deep cuts in the budget to take away funding for Bnei Torah were actualized, subsequent governments followed suit, and the burden was intensified further on those least able to withstand it.

As the years passed, the situation worsened. Not only was the aid to Kollel families slashed even more, the poorest members of the Israeli public were targeted further by a series of painful reductions of services which even the great public outcry did not succeed in fully reversing. As is often the case, economic difficulties beget even more misery and hardship as bills and debts began to accumulate to the point that even those who had been relatively stable, managing to stay afloat somehow, were now also floundering to meet even their most basic needs.

With the advent of Yomim Tovim, the already tight resources in a Kollel family’s budget are stretched past the breaking point. The added expenses of Yomtov food and clothing, coupled with the strain of the reductions in their income, result in the transformation of zeman simchoseinu into a dreaded period of tension and worry, as the question of how to make ends meet echoes ominously.

The First Rays of Light

Elul 5763 began in Lakewood much like many before and since. There was a genuine pain felt in this community especially, built around a nucleus of Bnai Torah, for their suffering brethren in Eretz Yisroel. However, as of yet there was no specific vehicle through which to channel efforts to relieve the situation. That was about to change. Rav Dovid Shustal Shlita called together several leading askanim, charging them to set up a medium for directing the unique empathy of the Bnai Torah in America towards their Israeli brothers by establishing a Keren to assist the Bnei Torah of Eretz Yisroel in their darkest hour and most pressing need – some additional money with which to celebrate the Yomim Tovim.

The resulting Keren, with Rav Dovid Shlita standing at the helm of the fundraising effort, met with the enthusiastic encouragement of all the Gedolei Torah and Roshei Yeshivos in America. An asifa was hastily called for the week of Selichos, and the initial response was overwhelming. Bnei Torah, so cognizant of the sacrifice inherent in a Kollel lifestyle, and recognizing the painfully constricting situation in which thousands of families in Eretz Yisroel were finding themselves, opened their hearts and their pockets to show their support and symbolically stand behind their Israeli brethren.

While these early rays of light were encouraging, the vast challenge presented by this unprecedented situation required yet a greater response. That Succos, Maran Harav Shmuel Birnbaum Shlita (may Hashem send him a refua shleima betoch shaar cholei Yisroel) convened a meeting in Eretz Yisroel with a group of prominent American ballebatim, at which he presented them with an opportunity and a challenge. They rose to the occasion, and the subsequent monies that they personally raised at parlor meetings hosted in various cities, as well as the annual Elul asifa in Lakewood, formed a strong backbone for the tremendous success that the Keren has seen besiyata dishmaya.

This annual Succos get-together in Eretz Yisroel, also served as a forum for the fusion of the personal involvement and oversight of Harav Shmuel Birnbaum Shlita, and the dedicated core of balebatim who through their personal example play a tremendous role in the continued success of the Keren. Rav Shmuel Shlita serves as an inspiration in the responsibility he takes for ensuring the Keren’s sustained growth. The balebatim for their part, respond by conscientiously ensuring that the desperately needed capital is available to the needy families to the greatest extent possible.

About the Keren

The unique system employed for the distribution of funds, received accolades from all of the Gedolim associated with this project for its innovative protection of the dignity of the recipients. Instead of asking people to apply for help with the inherent blow to their pride, a more sensitive method is utilized. The heads of Kollelim and Yeshivos throughout Eretz Yisroel are discreetly contacted and asked for a list of families whom they know to be in need. Then, Gabboim experienced in such considerations, carefully weigh the particulars and decide on the neediest and worthiest candinates. This has the further benefit of enabling a personalized response to each situation, as the specific needs of each family are met by taking into account factors such as number of children, sickness r”l, or any other special requirements that exist.

The actual disbursement of funds is also overseen by some of the most respected and experienced Gabboei Tzedaka in Eretz Yisroel, and all expenses incurred in the campaigns are undertaken by a group of American balebattim, ensuring that the maximum amount of money finds its way directly to the accounts of those that need it.

And the amounts are truly impressive. That first Succos, 1000 checks were sent out, amounting to $300,000. That was followed up before Pesach with 4493 checks for a total of $1,347,900. The most recent Pesach saw almost $2,800,000 distributed between 9000 families. This is an expression of the tremendous siyata dishmaya as channeled through the bracha of the Gedolim directly involved in this vital undertaking. It is also a testament to the dedication and commitment of all involved in the Keren, a select group of balebattim who shoulder much of the burden, and mostly to the compassion and generosity of amcha Yisroel.

Yet there is no lack of truly destitute people who require our assistance, and unfortunately the Keren is forced to halt allocating aid when the money runs out, even as many names still remain on the list.

This Year

This year, there will once again be an asifa in Lakewood on Sunday, 26 Elul (September 9) at Bais Faiga at 8:15 P.M. on behalf of the Keren, at which we will be zoche to hear divrei chizul from Maran Harav Shmuel Birnbaum Shlita, Nasi Hakeren, who despite his fragile health, felt it imperative that he attend to give chizuk to this worthy organization.

Every dollar that is collected represents another ray of light to a desperate family across the ocean. During this time of year, when every Yid is searching for zechuyos he can amass to stand in his stead on the Yemei Hadin, this is certainly a good advocate to add to your account. May we all be zoche to Kesiva Vechasima Tova along with all of Klal Yisroel. Donations can be sent to AIRF, c/o Yeshivaworld, 1412 Avenue M, Suite #2411, Brooklyn NY 11230. Or call 732-370-6508 with credit cards.

4 Responses

  1. I hope every yochid in lakewood takes out time to be mikabel ponim R’ Shmuel. It is indeed a very special hisorrirus for anyone to see reb shmuel so close to yom hadin

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