Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky Delivers Chizuk To Johannesburg

jo cover.jpgThe Johannesburg Jewish community had the great Z’chus of having Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita and Rebbetzin Kamenetzky Shtchya in their midst last week. Upon arrival, they proceeded directly to the Rabbinical Conference which was a 2-3 hour drive from Johannesburg. They returned to Johannesburg the following day. Many people were Zocheh to meet with the Rosh Yeshiva and many women met the Rebbetzin throughout Friday, Shabbos, and Sunday.

The Rosh Yeshivah spoke at Yeshiva College on Leil Shabbos, at Ohr Somayach Shabbos day, and at Adas Yeshurun during Shalos Seudos.  Motzaei Shabbos the Rosh Yeshiva addressed a crowd of about 400 people who at a Melava Malka held at the Capri Hotel.

They were hosted by the Chief Rabbi of South Africa and his wife, Rabbi Warren and Gina Goldstein. 

The visit brought a lot of Chizuk to the Jews of Johannesburg.

2 Responses

  1. And what community doesn’t have its problems.
    So glad that the Rav & Reb traveled to South Africa to address the community, it is a long journey and the residents do not always benefit from Gedolim speaking because of the travel time.

    Rav Shmuel Shlita speands his time running (literally) around the world being mechazek yidden! A man half his age couldnt do what he does. The Aibeshter should give koach veiter.
    Ashrei HaAm shekacha Lo!

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