Two Crown Heights Yeshiva Bochurim Arrested While Attackers Walk Free

shmira 2.jpgOn Wednesday night, a group of black teens began attacking Jewish residents of Crown Heights, by shouting anti Semitic slurs, and physically assaulting anyone Jewish that met their path. Shmira were called, upon responding to the call Shmira members began restraining the group, but were disappointed by police officers who showed up, and instead of arresting the attackers, the police arrested two Yeshiva Bochurim, “the police didn’t even bother asking the Jewish bystanders for their opinion on what happened, they simply arrested the two Bochurim and attempted to arrest several prominent community members who had intervened” one of the Shmira members told

In “response” to the attack, several undercover police officers patrolled Kingston Ave. that night, and made random searches and ‘pat-downs’ on Jewish Crown Heights residents, supposedly searching for “violent individuals”, “this is a pattern which the 71st precinct has been displaying lately” said one Shmira member, “during the last several weeks there has been a terribly alarming number of anti-Semitic attacks perpetrated in Crown Heights, several of which left people hospitalized, and the police yet to make any arrests” added the Shmira member in a distressed tone.

Over the past several weeks, the there has been an alarming number of home burglaries, shop lifters, and assaults on members of the community.

Shmira is asking:Homeowners: please check your doors and windows to your home and garage and make sure it is properly lit at night and properly secure. All residents: please do not walk alone at night, and try to walk in pairs, and always be aware of your surroundings. If someone tries to walk up to you, and you feel threatened, run away or scream for help.

17 Responses

  1. If they have reports and the complaint #’s on all of those you wrote, then the media should take care of this they would have a lot of activity that’s what they like

  2. Compare the police attitude to the Williamsburg Shomrim story!!! What gives? Is there some inifo missing or does NY’s finest have different policies for different neighborhoods? 🙁

  3. It’s not “policy” – cops are people, too, and the people serving as police officers are different in Williamsburg and in Crown Heights.

    It could be anything.

  4. Some commented that there are no innocent Yidden in American jails. This is one small example proving otherwise.

    It is a mitzvah of pidyun shvuyim to rescue these 2 from prison. And yes, the mitzvah of pidyun shvuyim DOES still apply in America, as does all other mitzvos in the Torah.

  5. thaink you for posting the storey the sitch in ch is becoming veri bad the police are abusing the comunity unfourtinitliwe are not wiliumsburg howevir wenwe will act i hope the yidin from all over will come to stand whit us

  6. Lest some hypersensitive “Migrant Workers’ defenders take high offense, let’s phrase this question carefully: Is the Crown Heights Police precinct staffed and run by the same “Melanin challenged” species as the indigenous one?
    No. The problem is that the “melanin challenged” residents make all the noise and get all the protection. We get all the tickets and the hassle. Also, all of the local politicians are of that shade. Finally, the commanding officer is not the sharpest too; in the box and he really is not up to his job.

  7. just remember that there are two sides to every story. Is it not possible that the jewish kids commited some act that was either offensive or perceived offensive?

  8. kindly amend the title of your entry of august 31st to “two yeshiva bochurim from Crown Heights…”
    The existing title, “Two Crown Heights Yeshiva bochurim…”implies that the bochurim attend(ed) Yeshiva of Crown Heights.
    sammygol, you’re the best!

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