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Shomrim to Patrol Oak Park (Detroit) Frum Community

shomrim.jpgMembers of the Detroit Frum community are working to organize a Neighborhood Watch group in the wake of three assaults against Frum men walking alone late at night. Police say two men, thought to be in their late teens or early 20s, committed the attacks in recent weeks. Some people in the community contend the attacks were hate crimes while others say they were just as likely crimes of opportunity, since the victims were walking alone in the dark, the Detroit Free Press reported Thursday.

The acts of violence also have city officials considering increased security in the area. Oak Park Mayor Gerald Naftaly is looking into putting emergency phones or surveillance cameras near two public parks.

(Source: Wood8TV)

10 Responses

  1. I have also spent much time in Oak Park over the years. I don’t think that one can fault the community there for their ‘lassez-faire’ attitude to security. It wasn’t neccessary. Some of the neighborhoods (e.g. Burton, Radclift, Harding, Dartmouth by the Yeshiva, ‘Kollel Heihts’ and in Southfield, Hilton and Jeanette) have a frum population as concentrated as Boro Park, albeit not nearly as large. One of these attacks happened in the “Kollel neighborhood” north of Lincoln, which is slightly more ‘upscale’. Another took place right by a State Police station on the corner of 10 Mile and Kenosha across the street from the Bais Yaakov, on the former location of Khal Chareidim, before it was displaced by the highway. Obviously care must be taken as it appears that there is some ‘nishtane hateva’ going on lately.

  2. Oak Park needs a new Mayor who actually cares about the city. The police force must be vigilant to keep lowlifes out of the area. Crime is nothing new to the Detroit area we just have to keep it out of the suburbs.

  3. Not familiar with Detroit at all, but the media calls it “ACHMED LAND”, the majority of babies born are of the Muslim faith. Does that tell you anything? The mix of Muzzies and Jews, is worse than oil & water (the Jews are the oil, since we should rise to the top).

  4. I live in Oak Park. Let’s set the record straight. Oak Park MI is not within the Detroit jurisdiction. We have our own government as well as police department. The problems are with local miscreants and not muslims. These young thugs live in an apartment complex right in the heart of the Kollel area. Please don’t start lumping Oak Park happenings with the arab population from Dearborn which is about 10 miles away. These thugs are just looking for trouble, and hopefully with the help of Hashem we will be able to get it under control.

  5. I also live in Oak Park, and was about to write a lenghty comment, but I think that Mordy covered about 90% of what I was going to say.

    I will add that the mayor of Oak Park has been a very dedicated public servant to the community for many, many years. In our small city (pop. about 32,000), the mayoral position is not a full time, cushy job with a large benefits package. I am not sure what the current salary for the position is, but in previous years it was well below $10,000. Imagine working for a pittence, while maintaing outside gainful employment, in a job that has formal and informal requirements that take up so much of your time.

    Personally, I feel that the mayor and the city council are taking a proactive approach to this problem. In our current economy, the offer to look into placing cameras and phones in the parks is nothing to sneeze at. I do, however, think that the local police have to start taking N. Oak Park more seriously and start patrolling more often, and that a citizen based patrol will go a long way toward steming this disturbing trend.

  6. I know the area well and believe it is indeed local black youth growing (geographically in the community) up with a depraved/gangster mentality filled with empty values and self hate and when they see polite, properly dressed yeshiva boys having real friendship it stirs within them a jealousy that all gentiles in some form or another have and they lash out against them since they are easy targets for their (internal) violence and unrest.

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