Iranian Hitler Rambles On…

ach.jpgIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday launched a new verbal attack against Israel, accusing Zionists of sowing conflict, publishing offensive cartoons and “lying about being Jewish.” “Zionists are people without any religion,” Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly predicted that Israel is doomed to disappear, told a news conference in Tehran.

“They are lying about being Jewish because religion means brotherhood, friendship and respecting other divine religions,” he said.

Echoing his previous predictions about Israel’s future, the president said: “If the world is calm, people, Europeans, Germans even, will uproot them.”

Iran’s government vehemently denies charges of anti-Semitism, pointing to the peaceful existence in Iran of a 20,000-strong Jewish community, the largest in the Middle East outside Israel.

(Source: Turkish Press)

20 Responses

  1. “Zionists are people without any religion,” Ahmadinejad, the ROSHA YM”S said.
    When you shoot a million arrows one of them hits.
    When we will respect our religion and keep it others will respect the Jewish people more. (and stay away from us). This is Hashems M.O. with His children.

    PS Let me be very clear, i am refering to the secular anti-religious and non-caring. This is not a N.K./Zionist issue.

  2. I’m sure he’s no saint, but has your “Hitler” lied, here?

    Let’s examine his statements and your accusations:

    1. accused Zionists of sowing conflict:

    That’s precisely what they do. One old example: the canard that Jews are not loyal citizens was first invented by Zionists, not Hitler, while we’re on that topic. Ahmadinejad is 1000% correct on many levels, on that point.

    2. Publishing offensive cartoons and “lying about being Jewish”: The Zionist Law of Return allows many non-Jews to come to Israel AS JEWS. I don’t really get the cartoon bit, but we know Muslims don’t like cartoons depicting their prophet, so I guess that’s where that comes from.

    3. “Zionists are people without any religion,”: It’s sad to say, but take a look around you and see how Zionism destroyed the Judaism of so many thousands of Jews and their future descendants.

    4. “Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly predicted that Israel is doomed to disappear” – I really don’t see Moshiach Ben David becoming Prime Minister of Israel, but if you think he’s wrong, enjoy your delusions.

    5. “They are lying about being Jewish because religion means brotherhood, friendship and respecting other divine religions,”: Actually, Jews respect everyone, even if we have different responsibilities than non-Jews do. Further, unlike Zionist fallacy, our great modern-day sages have called America a “Country of Kindness”.

    My point here is to convey that an attack on Zionism is actually helpful in that it can highlight just how far Zionism is from actual Judaism.


  4. 1. Hitler, yemach shemo, did not make any distinctions between Zionism and legitimate Judaism. This person makes a clear distinction, and even embraces people he considers to be authentic Jews (whatever we may think of him and them, Hitler never embraced any Jew).

    2. The Satmar Rav, zatzal, emphasized that we have to daven hard that the Zionist state be dissolved bidei Shamayim (through direct Heavenly intervention) with chesed and rachamim, and not by the nations of the world. This person makes it clear (and is in fact a clear message from Hashem) that really have to do this.

  5. Reminds me of the adage; “even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day”!
    Sad how correct this monster is on secular Zionism

  6. The Gemora in Sanhedrin says

    “The son of David (Mashiach)will not come until any kingdom (or Government, see Rashi) of Israel is terminated.”

  7. It’s so sad when your enemy speaks truth. In fact I am a little surprised that I am not the only one on here to see it…I love YW. We have to remember however, that any enemy of Israel is also an enemy of the Jews since when Ahmadinejad talks about destroying Israel he is talking about killing millions of Jews that live there and he is threatening Jewish lives. Frum or not they are our brothers and sisters.

  8. ” because religion means brotherhood, friendship and respecting other divine religions,”
    so are you trying to say Islam is not an actual religion.

  9. Por-

    You are saying that Ahmed… Y”S is only referring to those we call zionists and therefore is different than Hitler YS”V.
    He is actually referring to all Jews – you and me included. When an enemy attacks all of us, we’d do better by uniting and dealing with it than by avoiding the attack through separation.

  10. zionflag,

    That is why we Yidden need to make clear to the world that zionism does not = Judaism, but are rather diametrically opposed to each other.

  11. Joseph
    Impossibility since the word ZIONISM has “ZION” in it, we could change the ISM to PALISTEINISM and then the world might see the difference.

  12. Comment nos. 13 is right on the money.There are many enemies amongst the Zera Yishmoel, but they would make peace amongst eachother BEFORE taking sides with us.
    I remember during the Gulf War, Saudi Arabia was against Sadam Hussein and his Iraqui regimefor invading Kuwait and they hated him and his dictatoriship. However, when Israel was attacked with scuds, the Saudis were not prepared in any way to join hands with THEM against Sadam!

    Why cant WE show unity against this Rosho EVEN if he makes a few good points against ZIONISM.,? Arent we supposed to show loyalty to Acheinu Bnei Yisroel regardless ?

  13. I think there is no contradiction between showing achdus with fellow Jews in practice, and speaking out about Zionism, in theory.

    I think it is VERY necessary that people have the wool pulled from their eyes about the anti-Jewish catastrophe that was and is Zionism. This has nothing to do with our “loyalty to Acheinu Binei Yisrael” as it is a theoretical discussion on the fallacy and tragedy of Zionism and its very real terrible consequences this massive sheker known as Zionism has had and continues to have on Jews even outside of Israel.

    Also, you have no proof that he is “attacking us all”. If Zionists had never hijacked the rulership in Israel, Ahmadinejad would not be spouting his rhetoric against any Jews anywhere.

    AS they always did and do, Zionists are creating more problems (“he is attacking us”) to show that they can solve them – and fail to do so, regardless.

    May Hashem solve all of our problems and send us the goel tzedek bimheira viyameinu, Amein.

  14. 19, your referring to the Left wing Zionists who pose as a danger to Judaism. There are FRUM Zionists as well and he wants to dispose of them too. That si what I mean by showing loyalty to ‘Acheinu BNEI Yisroel’

  15. R’ Elchanon Wasserman, zatzukel, held the Zionists to be the true Amalekim of our time and wrote “the Land will surely vomit them out, since it is the palace of the King and doesn’t tolerate those who transgress His will, and especially those who do so deliberately to upset Him. I do not come with this not to curse and not to bless, but since the words are written in the Torah, they will surely be fulfilled.”

    וכן בארץ הקדושה הדבר ברור כחמה כי תקיא הארץ אותם כי היא פלטרין של מלך ואינה מקיימת עוברי עברה ומכל שכן עוברים להכעיס ולא באתי בזה לא לקלל ולא לברך אלא כיון שהדברים בתורה על כרחינו שיתקיימו

    In the first Gulf War Saddam Hussein said he was attacking Tel Aviv because it was “Sin City”. Avraham Burg described the Medina quite accurately as being “run by an amoral clique of corrupt lawbreakers who are deaf both to their citizens and to their enemies.”

    No. 16 above wrote “Arent we supposed to show loyalty to Acheinu Bnei Yisroel regardless?” Perhaps that unity to them involves freeing them from the Amalekim who have usurped control over Klal Yisroel.

    In any case, I repeat my original point in the name of the Satmar Rav, zatzal, that we have to daven hard that the Zionist state be dissolved bidei Shamayim (through direct Heavenly intervention) with chesed and rachamim, and not by the nations of the world. Our only hope is from Hashem, the amoral clique and the nations of the world have far more material power than we do, but Hashem has far more power than they do.

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