Lakewood: Arrest Made on Bias Intimidation

arrested2.jpgA 48-year-old township man is being held in the Ocean County Jail, and is charged with intimidating a Jewish man because of religious bias. The Asbury Park Press reports that Donald R. Lowery of South Clover Street was arrested after Abe Buchler of Lakewood reported to police that he was confronted by a black man who yelled out “Heil Hitler” and other derogatory remarks while standing outside Park Terrace Wedding Hall. 

Lakewood police conducted an investigation, and arrested Lowery, charging him with bias intimidation and harassment.

(Source: APP)

10 Responses

  1. Oh, the irony. If only black people spent more time in school they’d know about Jesse Owens, the Olympics in pre-war Berlin, and Hitler’s yimach shimo hatred of the Africans.

  2. Maybe someone should inform Mr. Lowery that Hitler, YM”S, hated Colored People just as much as Jews.

    Anyone know who owns the house that Mr. Lowery lives in? Would be interesting to find out who he’s a tenant of……

  3. I’ll never forget when a friend of mine got on a train and a black man confronted him with “Heil Hitler!”, to which he responded, “Heil Darwin!!”

  4. A similar story happened in a Swiss town where antisemitism is unfortunatley very common.

    A Frum guy was taking a walk in the Alps and greeted a Swiss tourist . The tourist responded in German, ‘I’m sorry, but I do not greet PIGS’
    The Frum guy responded and said ‘Well, I DO greet PIGS’

  5. I am just grateful that the Lakewood police department is finally willing to confront Anti-Semitism and call a spade a spade.

  6. i hope this guy goes before the same judge that rabbi zimmerman went before.maybe he will blame rabbi buchler,and tell him it”s because the jews look down on the black community.

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