UPDATED 10:49 AM EST: Lakewood: Fire In Industrial Building

Lakewood permacel.jpg10:31AM EST: Lakewood FD is on the scene of a fire in a large commercial building at 1990 Rutgers University Blvd. (Near Swathmore). Brick Township & Point Pleasant Township have been requested for mutual aid. Lakewood PD has been requested to evacuate two nearby structures. Yeshivaworld is being informed that the fire is inside the Permacel tape manufacturing plant. Hazmat has been requested to respond as well. Heavy smoke showing from the roof.

UPDATE 10:47AM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah was just requested to dispatch three ambulances as a precaution.

UPDATE 10:49AM EST: A Lakewood police officer and a Lakewood firefighter have just passed out and are being treated by paramedics. The fumes are highly toxic, and all emergency personnel are being requested to stage on one side of the building.

13 Responses

  1. Point pleasant twp. was never called to the scene, it was Point boro fire dept. that was called.
    Brick first aid and Toms river first aid were on scene for Mutual aid.
    Berkeley Twp. Haz-mat. also responded.

  2. Just like if you take an article from another site you have to credit them (which you only do sometimes) so too overhere you have to write were you got the picture from. Don’t tell me you asked them permission to use the picture because that would be a lie.

    Editors Note: Thanks for the information. Before we make a fool out of you publicly, kindly advise us how you know we do not have permission – which we do.

    Go ahead. We are all waiting.

  3. you mean to tell me you were in contact with them?

    Editors Response: You accused us us “stealing” a photo. We would like you to publicly tell the hundreds of thousands the proof that this is true.

    Until then, you are being Choshed Bichsheirim, and this conversation is over.

    Oh, and we will approve the comment which will have all the proof.

    We are all waiting with baited breath….. (eyes rolling)….

  4. This is very intresting that you would go ahead a say/post Loshen hora on a site that is supposed to be for yeshiva people who sit and learn . This is what destroyed are bais Hamekdash. I cant belive i read such a site that would do such a horrible thing. I am horrified. We should Boycot such a site that is willing to go ahead a post Loshen hora right before Yomim Noroim. Its Elul , Mr. Yeshiva world wake up.

  5. gavalt its getting testy on here, to the injury question, i heard it was reported a few police officers and a fire fighter were slightly injured B’H” nothing serious.

  6. you actually think you have hundreds of thousands of readers – I found this blog XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX – they probably have more readers then you – and they credit the place where they take articles from unlike someone else.

    Editors Note: Nice try getting your blog’s address onto YW. Suuuuuuure they get more hits then YW. (Not to mention, that I can publicly post our email correspondence with the blog owner – telling him to start crediting all news sources INCLUDING the stories he constantly took from YW).

    Listen. Stop while you’re ahead, and since they have more hits, STAY THERE and don’t come back here.

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is a man who has agendas…..


  7. loshen hora it shouldn’t be considered, i feel the editors have permission to use the photo, and if not its only a picture, whats the big deal, remember the goyim may be looking at this site to, dont give them any more reasons to dislike us or this site.

  8. To #6 yeshivajerk, why dont you read the posts before you blaim YW for something it’s not doing ?

    Bugnot is making these accuzations not YW, just thought you shold think first before accusing others & by the way why don’t you change your name from yeshivajerk to a nicer name, maybe you will become a better person. All the best

  9. #3 bugnot, why are you visiting this site if you gather information & get your “smart brains” from Permacel, go stay with them, and as your name so indicates Bug Not YW, they don’t need people like you. From a YW friend.

  10. Listen people:

    Bugnot, Bugyes, Chief67, Yeshivajerk are all the same person – using the same ip address.

    WE know exactly who he is.
    He is a bitter person, who will be exposed if he does not stop with his blatant accusations of Motzei Shem Ra, and nasty emails.

    We are prepared.

    We have also have verified that the blog he tried to stick in before is his as well.

    Oh, and we are not like you, sir.
    We back up our accusations:

    For example: Name: yeshivajerk | E-mail: XXXXXXXXXXXXX| IP:

    It seems to match the following:
    Name: bugnot | E-mail: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| IP:

    We will stop here.

    Watch your step, buddy. We are serious.

    And to answer your origional ANNOYING accusation – we have permission to use the photo.

    Now, please get lost – with all your screen names.

  11. Y.W. Editor, thank you so much for providing us with a kosher news site. I find it to be very informative and tochandig. May Hashem bentch you with much koach to continue the good you are doing for Klal Yisrael and you should have a KESIVA VCHASIMA TOVA!!!

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