Two Thousand Attend Shmooze in Mir Yerushalayim By Rav Shteinman

sh cover.jpgAs he does yearly, Maran Hagoen Rav Aryeh Leib Shteinman Shlita delivered a powerful Mussar Shmooze this afternoon at the Mir Yerushalayim. More then two thousand Bochrim and Yungerleit packed the Bais Medrash to hear the words of one of the Gedoley Hador. He then paid a visit to Maran Hagoen Rav Elyashiv Shlita, and went to the Kosel.

The points mentioned in his shmooze were:

א. לא לדבר לשון הרע
ב. לא לרכל אחד על השני
ג. לשמור על שפה ולשון נקיה
ד. לקבל באהבה כל דבר בין לטוב ובין לרע
ה. המעביר על מידותיו מעבירים לו על כל פשעיו
ו.להרבות בצדקה וחסד
ז. לכבד כל יהודי באשר הוא
ח. להתאפק מלהגיב על הכפשות השני

(Archive photo by Yehuda Boltshauser)

13 Responses


    A true Gadol B’Torah. Vahavta Lerayacha Kamocha Ze Klal Gadol Batorah. Rav Krohn says, just as we accept our shortcomings, we should accept others shortcomings.

  2. Any chidushei Torah too?
    Most gedolim say chidushim when they talk.Just reminding people that loshon hora is a sin can be done by the magnet on the fridge.
    If anyone was there please share the chidushim with us.

  3. Translation:
    א. לא לדבר לשון הרע
    Do not speak Loshon Hora
    ב. לא לרכל אחד על השני
    Do not telltale on each other (Rechilus)
    ג. לשמור על שפה ולשון נקיה
    Keep your speach clean (no cursing, swearing etc..)
    ד. לקבל באהבה כל דבר בין לטוב ובין לרע
    Accept all that happens to you with love (of Hashem) whether it is good or bad
    ה. המעביר על מידותיו מעבירים לו על כל פשעיו
    One who (a)forgives or (b)gives in will have his sins forgiven (measure for a measure)
    ו.להרבות בצדקה וחסד
    Give lots of charity and do many acts of kindness
    ז. לכבד כל יהודי באשר הוא
    Respect every Jew for who/what he is
    ח. להתאפק מלהגיב על הכפשות השני
    Resist from responding to any (verbal)attack from another person

  4. 1. don’t speak loshen horah (bad or even if it is truth about other people)
    2. don’t spread bad things about other people damaging their reputation
    3. speak cleanly, i think no swearing etc.
    4. recieve everything with a good eye, whether it is good or bad
    5. someone who looks ovber something their sins are looked over by Hashem
    6. give charity and do good things
    7. honour every jew no matter who they are

    i don’t really understand 8, and please if neccessary someone correct the others i translated.

  5. daastorah…I would LOVE to hear a shmuss from hago’on R’ shteinman shlita urging me not to speak loshon horah…I think that would have a bigger hashpo’oh on me than your magnet on the fridge!!
    Where has kovod for gedolim gone??

  6. Shaya-

    Loshon hora is only truth, if it’s not true it’s motzei shem rah.

    Get your facts straight before you start disseminating and commentingd what gedolim have said.

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