Urgent Tehillim Still Needed For 4-Year-Old Drowning Victim

ruchama.jpgWe would like to thank our families, friends, and the wonderful community of North Miami Beach. We are sure that all of your tefilos and acts of chesed are penetrating shamayim and are giving us chizuk during this difficult time. We love our sweet and beautiful Ruchama Aliza so much. Please continue to daven, we have emuna that yeshuas Hashem kheref ayin. Ruchama Aliza Sarah Chana bas Esther Leiba, l’refuah shlaima. Amen.

Moishe and Esther Schwab, Eli, Shaya, Yaakov, Yoni and Tehilah.

(Editors Note: Ruchama Aliza remains on life support and is in grave condition – after drowning in a North Miami Beach swimming pool on Thursday afternoon.)

17 Responses

  1. Since I heard about it, I have not stopped thinking of her. May Hashem give her a full recovery. Our thoughts, prayers and hopes are with you.

  2. Gorgeous little girl Bli ayin Hora. May she have a quick Refuah and may you see continued nachas from her in the coming year.

  3. May Hashem grant her a speedy refuah shelaima. We’re davening for her here in NY. Looking forward to getting besuros tovos about this sweet little girl very soon.

  4. What a sweet little girl bla”h, may hashem grant her a full speedy recovery, waiting for the good news in regards, and please post them

  5. Never underestimate the power of prayer! we have the power to change things because we have a direct line to the almighty creator of the world LETS KEEP PRAYING FOR A COMPLETE AND SPEEDILY RECOVERY!

  6. Where there’s life’,there’s hope/. May HKB”H send her a complete refuo sh’laima and the Tefillos said by K’lall Yisroel be answered,When someone in the Schwab familiy hurts, all Yisroel hurts.

  7. I have been davening with all my heart for little Ruchama Aliza and wanted to find an appropriate tzedakah to make a contribution on her behalf.

    Two nights ago I read the following from “Chofetz Chaim: Loving Kindness,” Artscroll, p.346: “The Chofetz Chaim, citing the Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah (Siman 256:15), says that if the treasurer of a charity has money that is not earmarked for a particular cause, HIS FIRST PRIORITY should be to provide for the wedding needs of a poor or orphaned girl; THERE IS NO GREATER CHARITY.”

    Not coincidentally, I noticed just such a charity organization whose advertisement is on this very page: Simchat Tzion (presently on the right side, 7th ad from the top). Might I suggest clicking on their ad and making a contribution for a refuah shlaima for Ruchama Aliza…and may the Ribbono Shel Olam have rachmanis on this sweet little girl, her family, and the entirety of Klal Yisrael in the zchus of all our prayers and tzedakah on her behalf.

  8. Latest I heard is that her body is B”H getting stronger (heart), but R”L there’s still no brain activity. Please keep your tefillos coming.

  9. I live in Michigan, and this evening I watched my local news report the story of Aliza. I cannot express to you the enormous amount of sorrow I feel within my whole being, for Aliza and her entire family.

    I am a Christian who believes in humanity and compassion. I reach out to Aliza and her family in thought and prayer. I know that prayers are answered, and I am hoping upon hope that God grants this beautiful child the miracle of life once more. I will continue to pray for a miracle for precious Aliza, and I will continue to pray for strength within her family.

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