Photo Essay: Lakewood In Elul – Part 1

lkwd 2 cover.jpgClick on image to view photo album. We would like to take this opportunity to wish Mazel Tov to our Eretz Yisroel photographer Yehuda Boltshauser upon his engagement last night in Lakewood NJ. –YW Editor.

9 Responses

  1. These pictures are a wonderful Kiddush Hashem, and the posting of one Yeshiva’s pictures is not a “put down” of another.

    Mr. Crier, (how appropriate a name) you should have had your camera ready, taken some photos at RIETS, and sent them into the YW Editor. If he then didn’t put them up, you may have had a Taina.

    Otherwise, please stop your jealous rants, and Sinah baiting remarks.

  2. Town Crier: Just wondering…..were YOU at Seder this morning at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchonon? (eyes rolling…..)

    You submitted a comment at 12:57…..hmmmm….such a short first Seder?

    By the way, send us the pictures….lets see 4 thousand STRONG….just like Lakewood…and we will tack on another 3 thousand for Mir Yerushalayim….and another 2 thousand in Ponavez…..


    Send us the pictures please.

    Pass the bread….here comes the bologne

  3. yeshivas rabbeinu yiotzchak elchonon, lakewood, all you chutz yeshiva guys…come to Eretz Yisrael and learn here! “Ain Torah K’Torahs Eretz Yisrael!”

    Mazal Tov to Yehuda! Return to Eretz Yisrael soon! We miss you!

  4. why do the chevrusas sit next to each other instead of face-to-face??
    you could also ask the other way round but where i learn it is face to face so that is what i am used to…

  5. Marvelous – gee, I must be down in terrible madreigos because just the sight of these photos gives me chizuk by reminding me of the excitement and buzz of Elul z’man. Truly magnificent to see so much learning.

    As for the silly feud as to who has more bochurim learning in their beis medresh, I’ve got a yeshiva in my town that boasts a grand total of 60 guys. But, it’s 60 guys learning. And maybe if I can figure out how, I’ll send in some pictures. But in the interim, how about this – for all of us with access to technology and a beis medresh, why not submit to YW a couple of pictures? Let’s get a sense of all the places learning we usually don’t see.

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