Report: NYPD To Issue New Stop And Frisk Forms

City police officers who stop and frisk people on the street will soon have to give a better explanation for their actions, according a published report.

The Daily News says the New York City Police Department is changing stop and frisk forms to include a new field called “Reason For Force Used.”

The field gives officers six options to choose from, including whether the person stopped was reaching for a suspected weapon.

There’s also a box marked “other” which allows officers to give a more detailed reason.

The NYPD says the move is an effort to give police officials a better understanding of the circumstances of street stops.

The department has been accused of stopping and harassing many black and Hispanic men without arresting them.

The New York Civil Liberties Union says giving officers options to check only allows them to justify their actions.

(Source: NY1)

4 Responses

  1. I think “probable cause” is what might be missing in this article to give it credibility. With “probable cause” they can look all they like. I don’t believe a cop is waking up in the middle of the night dreaming of patting anyone down, unless the point of the article is sexual harassment. That is something else.

  2. #2 the problem is there are many cops that do dream of patting someone down for the power trip they are on, and currently the nypd pats people down without probable cause which is illegal. and corrupt cops love doing it

  3. #1:

    Have you forgotten all of the Jews in the news lately being imprisoned for criminal and fraudulent acts…

    We are no more immune from the depravities of humanity than any other religious group. To think otherwise is naivety at best.

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