Staff At London College Oppose Israel Boycott

A survey found that staff from Imperial College London overwhelmingly oppose an academic boycott of Israel. The survey, conducted by the University and College Union, the union which proposed the boycott earlier this year, found that 82 percent Imperial College UCU members do not support a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

The survey also found that 90 percent of the college’s UCU members think there should be a national ballot of all members before UCU adopts any international boycott.

(Source: JTA)


4 Responses

  1. On Ave J all the fruits and veggies from Israel, have a hechsher that terumos and maaseros were taken already. Let us not always look for the easy way out, support Israel and check the hechsherim. Shmittah is coming, learn the halachos of kedushas shivis before arriving in E”Y so you can purchase and eat foods from Otzar Beis Din and help the J farmers, rather than looking for ease and eating ARAB $$$$$ produce. (Buy the tomatoes and cukes from Arabs and help to buy another Kassem rocket?

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