YRU at YU?

yu logo.jpgFor the first time since they started rating US colleges, the US News and World Report has ranked Yeshiva University below the top 50. YU has always enjoyed a ranking within the top 50 schools in the country – and what’s interesting is the major jump from last year’s ranking of 44 to this year as 52.

45 Responses

  1. And therefore…?

    BTW, the rankings for them are important as many of their donors would like to give to a school that has a strong academic status.


  2. Where are the other major Jewish institutions ranked (i.e., Chaim Berlin, Torah V’da’as, Touro)?

    The drop is interesting, but I wonder what sort of data are fed into the ratings calculus. And, I wonder who either “moved up” in the rankings or suddenly popped into the top 50, and why.

    Nu, ultimately, as with any school, there are few “good schools” or “bad schools” – the question is, which institution best suits the individual student.

  3. Perhaps the standards at YU have not slipped and it is still the fine institution it has always been, rather there are now several more universities out there that have surpassed YU in quality. This does not take anything away from YU. It is good to see that other universities are upgrading their facilities and faculties to turn out better young men and women for society.
    If you are driving your Luxury Mercedes SUV and someone drives by in a Ferrari this does not mean you are driving drek, simply that the other person has a finer vehicles but it does not take away from what you have.

  4. Rabbi Lamm – What will be with Yeshiva University. Not only is the “Yeshiva” not what it used to be, but now the “University” isn’t either.

    What will be with “Torah uMaddah”?

  5. For the first time? I distinctly remember the days of YU ranking 127 until the US News figured out that all those Joint YU-Israel students who didn’t go to YU after a year in Israel were never really in YU in the first place.

  6. to Ed

    Y do you say “good riddance”? YU is not going anywhere. #52 doesn’t put it in jeopardy of being closed down.

  7. The Oylam should zichor attend this court case. it would be a groysa kiddush Hashem. Limysa, the velt should see the yidden standing up for themselves.

  8. the US news and world report rankings are tampered with by universities. For example, one crieria is the percentage of alumni who give any amount of money. I was aprroched by my ala mater to give I think it was $50 and if i did i would get two baeball tickets and a free pre game picnic that seemed to be worth $50…. BTW this WAS NOT a hemish university that did this.

  9. Telegrok- Speaking of institutions, I can think of a few that might be good for you. Judging by what you wrote, you probably don’t know what a Yeshiva is, but Chaim Berlin (and Torah Voda’as) are Yeshivos- NOT institutions. In the future, if you have a derogatory thing to say about a Yeshiva, especially during Elul you should consider keeping it to yourself (and maybe the other subjects in your institution). The readers of Yeshiva World aren’t interested in your Motzi Shem Rah and I am apalled and shocked that they even posted it.

  10. #22: Thank you for clarifying the difference between a “yeshiva” and an “institution.” Since you offered to recommend some that would be good for me, would you be willing to identify those?

    Also, I re-read my original post, and still do not understand where I may have committed motzi shem rah since I did not say anything qualitative about any school. So, perhaps you can elucidate for me what in my post constitutes the isur of motzi shem rah?

  11. Seriously, folks – it’s Elul z’man, and this thread risk deteriorating into a rumble between the pro- and anti-YU folks (heck, it already has). Which really is quite unnecessary, if not improper.

    Suffice to say that in numerous places in New York City there are young men making a leining a blatt gemorrah and then going to shiur. Can we for this moment in time be pleased that is occurring and not spiral downward into a meaningless verbal feud that will result mostly only in slams against the other side?

    My original post was a tongue-in-cheek shrug, “OK, YU is ranked, what about these other places?” Apparently I have now earned a special place in Hell for daring to utter the names “Chaim Berlin” and “Torah V’da’as” in the same sentence as “YU.” And my post, I think, was clear that it was not a comment on any institution per se because I concluded that original post with a comment that the genuine question is which institution is best for the student.

  12. Telegrok- Indeed mentioning Chaim Berlin and Torah Voda’as in the same sentence as YU is a crime. Without getting into whether or not there is anything wrong with YU, it is certainly not comparable to these prominent Yeshivos. Y would U mention these yeshivos specifically anyways (pun intended)?

  13. Mr. Crier, I am strictly following the shitta of Reb Elya Svei. Any issues should be addressed to the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita.

  14. I have the Kosher Net for business purposes. And YW is a kosher site. So drop the double talk.

    Unfortunately there are many people who have descended from respectable institutions that are unbecoming to their respectable background.

  15. How about R’ Gifter who spoke publically against Lamm? Would you say he too was against spreading lashon horah on Lamm?! Just cuz s/o has a great mind doesn’t make him legit. If the gedoilim spoke out against him he is no good. Yes, lots of ppl in the B”M in YU; but I saw right outside the BM those same guys coming out and getting into cars fuul of ta’aruves and kalus roish. Some ppl learn cuz they enjoy learning. Yiras shomaim is practiced better in other yeshivos.

  16. Volvie, perhaps R’ Elya and R’ Gifter spoke out against YU. When you reach their level then maybe you will have their understanding of why they spoke out against it. For now, why don’t you go back to learning and perhaps say over some divrei torah from them in public and not just be motzie shem rah on a makom torah, and please do not respond that YU is not a makom Torah b/c it is just as much a makom torah as any other yeshivah in America (except for the fact that at YU some chooses to be more tolerant of their fellow Jew which is more than can be said for most of the other Yeshivos as is evident by many of the comments on this site).

  17. please read my post from the other YU article from the other YU / yeshivish fight http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=6718#comments
    i am a ben bayis by a rosh yeshiva on the moetzes in fact im using his computer rite now and when i asked him about this again he told me anyone who is putting down jews in our time in this way it comes from shichvas zerah and kinnah and when i asked him what effect does he see that hes able to contribute it to this he said “kleinah kepelach” which means small mindedness. stay out of machloksei zaddikim when someone went to reb yaakov to ask him if he could go to YU he said he shouldnt but after the boy explained that his parents would let him learn onger if he got a degree he said go for it so when the boy saud that he went to a big zaddik and asked him and he said its assur bshoom panim reb yakkov replied “takkah hes a frummer uber ich been a clever” “its true that tzaddik is very frum but im more clever”
    i hope that this isnt too strong its meant to give everyone chizuk chaseivah v’chaseimah tovah lalter lachaim oolishalom

  18. If Reb Elya and Rav Gifter spoke out against an institution, it is incumbent for all their talmidim and followers, as well as talmidim and followers of other Gedolim of the same stance, to accept and follow the condemnation of the said institution.

  19. “is not a reason to malign hundreds of talmidim, alumni, roshey yeshiva, seforim and chiddushei torah”

    I guess you are smarter than rav mordche gifter, rav avigdor miller, rav elya svei, rav shach and everyone else.


    this is the problem with yu. they have corrupted, and twisted your minds. wake up and crawl out of your caves.

  20. Too many Talmidei Chachomim and Gedolei Yisroel have condemned this institution for their to be any doubt that they have moved far beyond the pale of Yiddishkeit and Torah.

    We all have an obligation to make all aware of these condemnations, so other innocent Yidden don’t fall prey to their wickedness.

  21. I agree. The world would be a better place if they closed.

    Those who are interested in learning Torah will have no shortage of mekomos to so learn.

    They should have followed Daas Torah at the time and not ever have established the university.

  22. I just signed up for login info just to be able to post to this thread. The hate here is enough to make one cry. Wake up people! Why is there no Bais Hamikdosh? Because we aren’t learning enough Torah? Because we don’t daven hard enough? Because of a Yeshiva joined with a secular college? Yes, these are thing that are important and integral to our survival as Jews. We should always be examining ourselves, asking, “What can I do to make myself closer to Hakodosh Baruch Hu?” Yes, we should learn Torah, daven with kavanah, and give plenty of Tzedaka. And we should do these things in an environment where we think we will be best able to meet these goals, be it YU, the Mir, or Lakewood.

    But I ask you all again: Why are we still in galus? Why are hundreds of Jews being killed by goyim in Eretz Yisroel and around the world? Where is the Bais Hamikdash? This is happening because of SINAS CHINAM!

    When Yom Kippur comes and you are saying the “Oy Lanu” section of Mussaf and wondering why we aren’t zocheh to see the Avodah, I hope you aren’t thinking of Rabbi Lamn or YU, but are rather thinking about why you are harboring such Sinas Chinam in your heart. And please don’t blame this on any “fill in the blank here” Godol. Sinas Chinam is Sinas Chiman is Sinas Chinam. How dare you justify this terrible aveira by placing it on the shoulders of others. I don’t know what the context of when any particular statement was said and I certainly don’t portend to understand anyone’s cheshbonos, particularly those of Gedolei Yisroel.

    I cry for you, I cry for me, and I cry for Klal Yisoel. You should be crying too.

  23. I cry for the Reform.

    Is opposing the Reform sinas chinum too? Please don’t try to justify what Gedolei Yisroel oppose.

    I cry for YU.

  24. I’m almost crying reading this e-mail. I didn’t grow up frum, but for whatever reason decided to attend YU instead of U. of Maryland. After finishing college I learned for many years at YU. Today, Baruch hashem, I’m married to a women with a very similar story and have two children. I work during the day and learn every morning and night before and after work. I send my children to a yeshiva katana, and live in a very similar place to where most of you live. And if it makes you happy I even wear a black hat every day, as my rosh HaYeshiva from YU advised.

    Why do you hate me? Because I became frum at YU? Without YU both my wife and I would be like our friends from high school- barely Shomer Shabbos.

    Maybe I’m new to this because I wasn’t born in the yeshivish velt, but I guess I will never fit it, because I learned Torah at YU…

  25. I believe the point here is that leading Gedolei Yisroel opposed its establishment and oppose many of its current activities.

    Pointing this fact out is necessary as the Gedolim themselves make clear.

    This doesn’t take away from any good YU has accomplished.

  26. “Is opposing the Reform sinas chinum too? Please don’t try to justify what Gedolei Yisroel oppose.”

    Unfortunately, despite Daas Torah, many gedolim issue statements about that which they do not know anything about firsthand. While there are many aspects of YU that are not ideal, even problematic, the talmud torah that goes on there is first rate. I still have a difficulty understanding the rabid nature of the oppostion. Does R’ Svei think that the Chofetz Chaim’s son-in-law was a kofer? that R’ Ahron Soloveichik was? That R’ Shimon Shkop was? There are many issues with which to disagree, granted. But sinas chinam can destroy the world!

  27. Listen, the machlokes between the chareidei Gedolei Yisroel and the MO Rabbis isn’t likely to stop YU from doing whatever they want. So what is being accomplished by beating this issue to death?

    Unless one is spreading Daas Torah’s opinion about the matter to sway others from falling sway to what they believe is assur…

  28. Newsflash: The Vilna Goan has put all Chasidim in chermem. Everyone follow Das Torah. What’s that? His comments were made in a specific context and about certain people and actually to a targeted audience? You mean I can talk to my friend in Boro Park? If the Vilna Goan isn’t Das Torah, I don’t know who is.

    I hope you can see the point and think for yourself instead of a 5th hand (if that) report about what any Godol purportedly said years ago to a specific group of people under specific circumstances.

  29. JBlue, it isn’t ”years ago.” Gedolim recently and currently have condemned this institution.

    And btw the Vilna Gaon didn’t apply his cherem to future generations.

  30. Re #22 nach (sorry I got into the fray a little late).

    There is often this false distinction between “yeshiva” (that is for the son’s of light) and “institutions” (the accursed children of the enlightenment). Indeed we have a term ‘Mosdot (or oss, or oyes) which translates into institution. Thus in Israel to call a place of higher Jewish learning (and I am waiting for the fire and brimstone to poureth on me) a Mosad versus a Yeshiva would cause question of the yichus of the individual.

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