Are YOU a Rachmanus?

yw logo9.jpgIf you get married at eighteen – you’re a rachmonus. If you’re still single at twenty – you’re a rachmonus. If you have three children when you’re married three years – you’re a rachmonus. If you have no children when you’re married three years – you’re a rachmonus. If you must learn in kollel for five years – you’re a rachmonus. If you must go to work at twenty – you’re a rachmonus.

If you live close to your parents – you’re a rachmonus. If you live far from your parents – you’re a rachmonus. If your in-laws are involved in your life – you’re a rachmonus. If your in-laws are not involved in your life – you’re a rachmonus.

If you have a job and work very hard – you’re a rachmonus. If you don’t have a job – you’re a rachmonus. If you “only” have four children – you’re a rachmonus. If you have twelve children – you’re a rachmonus. If you live on the top floor – you’re a rachmonus. If you live in a basement – you’re a rachmonus.

If only the husband is working – you’re a rachmonus. If the wife is working, the children are neglected – you’re a rachmonus. If you move, it’s expensive – you’re a rachmonus. If you can’t move – you’re a rachmonus.

If you attend a simcha every night – you’re a rachmonus. If you can’t go to simchas – you’re a rachmonus. If you must take household help – you’re a rachmonus. If you don’t have household help – you’re a rachmonus. If the husband is forced to help in the house – you’re a rachmonus. If your wife managed the entire household without your help – you’re a rachmonus.

At fifty, if you don’t have work – you’re a rachmonus. If you still “have to work” – you’re a rachmonus. If your married children come too often – you’re a rachmonus. If your married children don’t come often – you’re a rachmonus. If you’re busy caring for elderly parents – you’re a rachmonus. If you don’t have parents ch”v – you’re a rachmonus.

If you’ve married all your children at fifty – you’re a rachmonus. If you still have young children at home at fifty – you’re a rachmonus. At sixty, if you’re both home all day – you’re a rachmonus. If your wife works and you’re home all day – you’re a rachmonus. If your children must care for your needs in your old age – you’re a rachmonus. If your children don’t care for your needs in your old age – you’re a rachmonus.

If you live until you’re old and weak – you’re a rachmonus. If you pass away young ch”v – you’re a rachmonus.


If you trust that everything Hashem does is for the good – you’re happy. If you trust that Hashem guides your every step with love – you’re happy!

25 Responses

  1. To #7: This monologue was drafted to knock some sense into some people’s severely myopic minds and to perhaps catalyze them to thinking before labeling someone. The message of the article is very important because the way one thinks of another (even if you don’t actually say it) impacts on the way you act towards them. Before you knock yeshivaworld for posting it, think about what message they are trying to impart. If you miss it, I wonder who the rachmonis is on. Some food for thought.

  2. If you post at TYW you’re a rachmonus,

    if you read Only Simchas you’re a rachmunus,

    if you have internet your a rachmunus,

    if you don’t your a rachmanus,

    this is why the Bach is magiha the phraze ‘rachmuinim bnei rachmonim’

    to ‘rachmonus ben bno shel rachmonus”.


    But truely,

    with all the MVAs, Cancer, sicknesses, please save your rechmunis 4 those that neeeeed it!!!!

  3. I enjoyed every line of this monologue. Unfortunately, many people see the glass as less than half full and fail to recognize the Yad Hashem which is inherent in every aspect of our daily lives.

  4. I guess the message is that one should strive to be a שמח בחלקו
    Every situation that Hashem puts a person in is for his best.
    כל מה דעביד רחמנא לטב עביד

  5. why cant everyone appreciate someones work for what it is?? thats why Moshiach isnt here! cuz whatever anyone else works on needs to be ridiculed and mocked!! how do you think the person who wrote this and was creative feels??

  6. #8, itsprivate,
    This is YW News, and I stress NEWS.
    This diatribe is not news, it’s someone’s personal pessimistic view on life.
    Anyone who can only see Rachmonus in all the items listed, is in bad shape and in need of some serious therapy.
    It is no wonder there is no author listed.

  7. This is very silly. By the positive side of each statement try replacing the word ‘rachmunus’ with ‘Gebentchta’.
    The writer must be very bitter and Negetive person.

  8. Hey Eliezer and shalom shisheha YOU DON”T GET IT!!
    The writer is NOT a Negative person. Look at the end of the article “BUT….” THe writer is writing the way many people think AND HE DOES NOT AGREE WITH IT!!

    Very well written!!!!!

  9. I think what the writer wanted to do was to create a balance for ALL readers.

    For those who are in a ‘matziv’ RL, the message is ‘Gam Zu Letovah and Kol Ma diovid’.

    And for those whose lives are more or less stable the message is , Show endless Hakoras Hatov to Hashem. Fine, but I am just not impressed with the negative way he brought it out!

    Had he written it with a bit more dignity and grace, the message would have come across much more appreciated!

  10. Great Piece. I guess the only people who arent rachmanises are those who get married between 18-22, have between 4-12 kids, learn in kollel for 1-5 yrs, wives have only part time jobs, kids live close but not TOO close, and visit but not TOO often, anyways you get my drift, as the Rambam said the best way is “derech hamamutza” (it also gets the least sympathy)…..

  11. This phrase is so true word by word and it means and brings out soooo sooooo much. For all of you criticizers you’re definitely a big rachmunos…………..

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