Yearbook Compares Bush, Cheney To Hitler

What do George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have in common with Adolf Hitler, Usama bin Laden and Charles Manson?

They’ve been named the “Top 5 worst people of all time” in a yearbook published by a middle school in Russellville, Ark.

School administrators say they don’t know how the former president and vice president ended up in the book, and the school district covered the list with a piece of black tape when parents spotted it after its printing.

Still, some parents are outraged.

“I’m furious as a parent and as a board member and as a taxpayer and as a resident of Russellville. It’s wrong,” school board member Chris Cloud, who has two kids in the school district, told Fox affiliate KLRT Fox 16 in Little Rock.

Superintendent Randall Williams called the list “an oversight.” He expressed surprise when told the tape can be pulled off.

“Well that’s disappointing because the yearbook supplier told us this was a definite fix,” he told Fox 16.

The yearbook editing process is under review, Williams said. But he wouldn’t comment on any disciplinary action the sponsor might be facing.

(Source: Fox News)

11 Responses

  1. I rarely use the term, but this really is a PITY. This is an American school that should be teaching American values.

  2. Can you believe it? And it’s these kinds of people who accuse conservatives of incitement. Doesn’t the school board or principal do any kind of proofreading on a yearbook before letting it go to print? These people are unbelievable!

  3. America’s wealth is wasted on its ungrateful and disrespectful youth. That school owes Mr. Bush a public apology. Anything less is a pure disgrace and so much more indicative of where this generation is going “in a handbasket.”

  4. This, unfortunately, is the results of political bashing. It could be argued that he was a terrible President along with Obama, Bush senior, and of course Jimmy Carter (who in my view was the worst President we ever had). However, on what basis can they be compared to the three rashaim mentioned above. Even Jimmy Carter, who in my opinion is a horrible anti-Semite, was not guilty of such atrocities. He was just plain stupid and incompetent, similar to Superintendent Randall Williams and the like who are trying to play down something as wrong as this.

    There should have been sever reprimand to the students and faculty that were responsible. When I was in High School our Rebbeim went over the whole yearbook each year before it went to print to stamp their level of approval. There were many times that the Yearbook staff members would mention to their friends that the Rabbomin required them to remove several things from the yearbook.

    There is no excuses for the staff member whose job it is to oversee this project. I’d put him/her on probation with docked salary. If your not doing your job you shouldn’t get paid.

    The Superintendent should have used this as an opportunity to teach these students a valuable lesson about life. It seems that no one taught him as well.

  5. The real problem is who taught these children, was it the parents, the school or both. These children have been educated in ignorance and have not been taught the true horror of the deeds of Hitler, Bin Laden and Manson. For if they were properly educated this would not have happened.
    While you may not like former President Bush and VP Cheney and yes they were active in the war in Iraq, they pale in comparison to these evil men and their deeds.
    Ignorance is not bliss and only breeds bigotry and hatred as expressed by these children in their year book. We can thank the liberal left for their continued influence on Americas future.

  6. Commenters 1, 2 and 4-6 all are eager to see that the sky is falling, without looking at the fact. The story reports, in part: “School administrators say they don’t know how the former president and vice president ended up in the book ….” There are any number of possibilities, but it could have been one single person, acting alone, after the content of the book received its final reviews and edits. It might have been a student, a teacher, or a wise guy at the printer and binder of the book. We don’t know whether the perpetrator intended to made a joke, or whether the perpetrator even understood all the implications of what he/she was saying. If the perpetrator was a student, he/she is a middle school student, and it is too early to say that the school system has failed to adequately educate the student.

    I suggest everybody calm down and wait for the facts before declaring that the sky is falling, or that the world is going to gehinom in a handbasket or any other vehicle.

  7. Softwords says “…This, unfortunately, is the results of political bashing.” He’s right, and the school should have caught this stupidity…and I hold this position though a liberal who couldn’t stomach Bush, and who sincerely believes that his and Cheney’s policies were dangerous anti-democratic assaults on American standards of truth in the public sphere, on civil liberties and on budgetary integrity.

    I would hope that Softword’s position, and that of the rest of you, is one of principle, and that you all would object too to “political bashing” of President Obama. I have heard enough outrageous Obama bashing at otherwise erliche, yeshivishe Shabbos tables to make me wonder.

    A git Shabbos and a git Chodesh

  8. This is beyond the pale. But so are the vicious attacks against President Obama that have appeared in YWN forums.

  9. Russelville Ark.?????? what do u expect?????? Red necks . The School is Adolf Hitler,if it dosnt know what its students print—— representing them. White Trash

  10. Russelville is the county seat of Pope County, which voted 70.5% for John McCain and 27.2% for Barack Obama.

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