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US To Deport Man Accused Of Nazi Involvement

hol.jpgA US immigration judge has ordered the deportation of a 91-year-old retired factory worker from Massachusetts because of his role in the Nazi destruction of the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in 1943, the Associated Press said Thursday.

35 Responses

  1. Torahyid,

    Yes, they all have Arichas yomim unfortunately. Maybe it will pain them more to live longer with the stigma!

  2. Just shoot him and make him dig his own grave! He got away with it! Still alive and in OUR country! Send him to Iran and kill him there.

  3. Hashem lets these vantzen live so long so they can see how BH we have rebuilt and have won, whereas they are lowlife losers who do not enjoy a minute of peace in their miserable old age. Even yenne machle is far too good for these tzoirerim, so Hashem just lets them stew in their own juices, hunted and alone, until human justice gets to them.

  4. 3. So they can get all the reward in this world for the few good things they did.

    That way, they only get punishment (and no reward) in the next world for all the evil they did.

  5. My g-d what is wrong with you people.

    In this country you are innocent until proven guilty.

    This article has no details, no name, no crime, no victims, just a 91 yr old and his ‘role’,

    stop, wait and listen b4b u shoot a 91 yr old.

    and btw don’t worry about g-d’s chesbon,

    ki lo machevosi machevosechem

    ain lanu myisuri tzadikim ve-shalvash reshaim,,

    we don’t need to worry about t.

  6. drdrekop, use your kop. The article clearly indicates he was CONVICTED and ordered deported.

    A US JUDGE does not order a deportation without due cause.

  7. Joseph, why do you suddenly trust the justice system ? When the skverer chasidim were indicted you insisted they were falsely accused and the justice system is corrupt. Now all of a sudden ” a US judge does not order deportaion without due cause”. I thought it was corrupt? Or is it only corrupt when one of your own are accused and you don’t want to look bad so you blame the justice system.
    Just admit that there are a few that engage in shady fraud business and when they are caught do not try and deny it all, rather fess up and convince others not to go in that direction. Don’t blame the justice dept.

  8. mike, If a US Judge convicted a NAZI, I will not ‘kler’ that maybe it was a corrupt decision. Despite all the corruption in the ‘Justice system.’

    I’ll leave that up to you.

  9. Mike Drezz,

    Althoug you might have a ‘shtickel’ point where Jos’bias’ are concerned, this is CERTAINLY not the blog to rant about it!

    I would much rather see NAZI GARBAGE deported, then these 4 Chassidim rot in prison for fraud! And I’m sure Joseph feels the same way . IFhis BIASES kick in where this subject is concerned, its perfectly normal!

  10. To the ‘honorable’ Mr. Drezz,

    Please save your sentimental principles for a suitable blog, preferably when it doesnt involve NAZI VERMIN:))

    Let this murderer be deported whether the system is corrupt or not.

  11. sammy, what you said about the Rabbonim is not only loshon hora, it is flat out sheker (like all loshon hora). The Rabbonim never condemned those Yidden.

  12. joseph, if you are unwilling to agree that a chilul hashem had taken place then its not worth arguing with you because you have an agenda and will never criticize those that cause a bad name to orthodox jewry. The fact is I have a valid point that you choose to believe in the US justice system when it suits you.
    Eishes chayil I am not disputing the fact that this animal should be deported but when Joseph needs to be confronted it does not make a difference on which blog it takes place.

  13. mike, you find it not worth arguing, after you lose the argument on the merits of the points.

    The so-called justice system is corrupt. Period. But I will accept its judgment if it involves getting rid of a NAZI Yemach Shemom Vzichrom.

  14. sammy, you have no idea what you are talking about. I would trust ANY YID far faster than I would accept the so-called “judgment” of the corrupt system.

    For a NAZI I say, let him rot however it comes about. I do not need to “know” anymore than the fact that he is a NAZI Yemach Shemom Vzichrom.

  15. sammy & mike: Why are you defending a Nazi?

    And drop all the double-talk about you’re making a point. Make your points WITHOUT defending Nazis.

  16. Ed and Volvie , I suggest you stop smoking what ever you are smoking then read my comments and then maybe you will understand whats the issue.

  17. And as it so happens, that “particular poster” is perhaps the most eloquent amongst us and is typically on the button regarding the issues at hand and under discussion.

    And that “particular poster” is a lot more intelligent than the rest of the combined posters here, as amply demonstrated by his take on the issues — that is backed by Daas Torah and eloquently explained.

    And, quite frankly, there are issues as amplified by Daas Torah that require giving no ground to the opposition. When Torah principles are at stake, negotiation — or for that matter “debate” — is out of order. (Such as the loshon hora and falsehood expounded earlier that the “particular poster” demolished.)

    Thank You Joseph, and please keep up the great posts — as always, on the Torah button.

  18. Mr. Drezz: I understand your issue quite well. You attempted to stir gossip about some Jews using the Nazi’s as a helpful tool in your quest.

    Are you truly unaware of false convictions? Are you truly unaware of anti-semitism in the court system? Do you truly believe that pointing out a possibly false conviction of Jews was based on anti-semitism is at odds with recognizing the conviction of a Nazi? Do you truly believe an anti-semitic court system cannot falsely convict a Jew, while at the same time thankfully (for us) convict a Nazi?

  19. sammy gol; The Orthodox opinion is a minority opinion as well. That does not convey any legitimacy on the non-Orthodox positions. Nor does it mandate any recognition or even toleration of the non-Orthodox “religious philosophy” (as you put it.)

    And no, we mustn’t “agree to disagree” with them. We know our positions to be Torahs Moshe Misinai, and must defend them vociferously.

    BTW many of our greatest Chachomim defended their position in the strongest terms (depending on the issue), even when other Sages had differing opinions. So not giving any ground on a position you truly believe, is firmly rooted in our mesorah.

  20. Sammy and Mike,

    Lets simplify this for the layman, (beautiful post though, Sammy)

    Imagine a restaraunt has a reputation for serving their drinks in not-so-clean glasses. You being a regular there, notice an inspector realizing the problem, but for some reason, he overlooks it and lets it go!

    A week later the inspector returns and finds that there was poisen in the drinks. He then becomes very critical of the restaraunter and wants to shut them down for serving their drinks in dirty glasses.

    Are you then gona lash back on the rebound and say ‘Well, whats the matter with you, you are only critical of their hygiene NOW that there is poison, what a hypocrite!’

    You might have a point that people ‘pick and chooses’ when its convenient for them but sometimes it doesnt really matter!!

    A week later that inspector comes in again

  21. And as an aside, I DO believe that Joseph would trust ANY YID before the corrupt system. EVEN a left-wing Zionist! Am I right Jos’??

  22. namel, Absolutely, as I made clear in Post 22.

    My point has always been you cannot trust a secular (i.e. non-Jewish Beis Din’s) so-called conviction of a Yid. At a very minimum they’re rules of evidence are far differant, and much less reliable and trustworthy, than what is acceptable in halacha. And just as importantly, it is no secret the hatred harbored for the Jew.

    Just as you may not believe any other loshon hora, you may not believe any evidence introduced in a non-Jewish court. One may not even believe evidence introduced to Beis Din, until Beis Din has adjudicated the case and accepted the veracity of the facts. (So certainly you cannot trust a non-Beis Din, with all its faults, even after it ‘adjudicates.’)

  23. mike – meanwhile you are the one who felt a desperation to stick in the last 2 cents worth (certainly not worth more), while he ended his comments with some very good (and valid) points.

  24. cherry, I made my point and he made his. But he always finds it neccessary to have the last word.Just check out all the blogs.He always needs the last word no matter if he reiterated his point countless times. Thats my point. Now go and write something constructive instead of hot air.

  25. mike, and yet again it is you who keeps coming back for your last dibs, needing to rub out the last word.

    Apparently you cannot tolerate the back and forth nature of blogging. Most likely because when your point is disproven (i.e. as above), you go into a tiddy.

    And judging from your comments on this thread alone (as well as the other threads you dropped into), it is obvious that you are the one spewing hot air.

  26. Thank you R Yossel for all your wonderful posts. you’re usually right to the point, and “take the words out of my mouth” as they say.

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