Jewish Republican Group Makes Robocalls Against Obama

A Jewish Republican group has moved fast to take advantage of concerns in the Jewish community about President Barack Obama’s Israel policy, with robocalls to Jews that accuse the president of promoting “physically indefensible” borders that would leave Israel is a “vulnerable and dangerous position.”

The Republican Jewish Coalition, which seeks to increase Jewish support for Republican candidates, said it made some 20,000 calls in an effort to recruit new supporters. The group also held a telephonic town hall featuring Ari Fleischer, a press secretary for President George W. Bush, who was highly critical of Mr. Obama’s policy. Several thousand people participated, the group said.

On the call, Mr. Fleischer said that Mr. Obama’s policy “abandons morality” because it puts Israel, a democratic nation, and the Palestinians, whose government includes “terrorists,” on equal moral footing. He also said: “President Obama’s statement that the United States’ commitment to Israel is unbreakable is only true until it breaks.” But he declined to call Mr. Obama “anti-Israel.”


7 Responses

  1. and you expected a group of Republicans to be supporting Obama??????????????

    News is what is unusual or unexpected. This doesn’t qualify as being newsworthy.

  2. #1, actually there are a lot of Republicans who have supported Obama. Robert Gates and Ray LaHood are currently in his cabinet. John McHugh is Army Secretary. Among Republicans who endorsed Obama over McCain in 2008 were former Governors Linwood Holton, Arne Carlson, Lowell Weicker (also a former Congressman and Senator), and William Weld. Former members of Congress who endorsed Obama included Weicker, Jim Leach, Charles Mathias, Wayne Gilchrist, Larry Pressler, and Claudine Schneider. Other prominent Republicans to endorse Obama included Colin Powell, Charles Fried, and Scott McClellan, who was Ari Fleisher’s successor as Bush’s press secretary. Also on the list are a granddaughter of Eisenhower and a granddaughter of Goldwater.

  3. 2.

    Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, this is NOT a zoo!! Please leave self serving RINOs out of this conversation.

    It is a well known fact that Powell ONLY “supported” Obama because they are both black! This is the same reason why you cant talk sense into Obamamania people of color when it comes to their boy Obama. They are too colorblind to see how bad he is and how much he has hurt them. The argument is always the same. He’s a bruthuh so I support him.

  4. No. 5: What conclusions would you jump to based on the percentage of black Republican supporters of Barack Obama? Please take this test:

    1. Is a black Republican supporter of Barack Obama not a real Republican?

    2. Were black Americans prejudiced when they turned out heavily in favor of Barack Obama in 2008?

    3. Are black Republican supporters of Barack Obama a threat to democracy and America as we know it?

    Here’s a conclusion I will jump to: If you answered “Yes” to one question, give yourself a “K”. If you answered “Yes” to two questions, give yourself a “KK.” If you answered “Yes” to all three questions ….

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