Greenfield Warns Community Of New Deceptive Missionary Mailing

Brooklyn – Councilman David G. Greenfield is warning members of the Jewish community about a deceptive mailing from a missionary group calling themselves the “Israel Restoration.” The mailing, which arrives in an envelope emblazoned with a prominent Star of David and graphic of Jerusalem, includes a letter and DVD aimed at converting its recipients.

“I received a number of calls and emails today from rabbis and community leaders asking me to warn others about this mailing,” explained Councilman Greenfield. “While these missionaries have a constitutionally-protected right to free speech, it is important that recipients of this package do not fall victim to the deceptive tactics of the ‘Israel Restoration’.”

The mailing appears, at first glance, to come from a legitimate Jewish group. The letter included even purports to have been sent by a Jewish individual. However, at the conclusion of the letter, the sender encourages recipients to dial an 800 number in order to learn more about the “Messiah.” The Orthodox Jewish communities of Boro Park, Midwood and Flatbush are often the targets of missionaries. Constituents have reported receiving similar mailings in the past and, in recent months – and as has reported – plans for an expanded missionary center and seminary were announced for a site located on Coney Island Avenue.

“I am grateful for the rights and freedoms afforded to me, and to all of us, by the constitution,” said Councilman Greenfield. “However, I also believe we need to have truth in advertising. Preying on unsuspecting Jewish members of the community is unacceptable. I encourage anyone who receives this mailing to exercise their constitutional right to throw it directly in the garbage.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. This type of proselytizing done by messianics and other similar groups will continue to confuse people without much Jewish background, such as immigrants from the former Soviet Union. It is important for us to continue to support the amazing work done by Rabbi Michael Scobec and his organization, Jews for Judaism.

  2. Last summer another such group, “Isiah 52” had an ad in a bus shelter in my community. These people are disguisting, and Minyan Girl is 100% correct in her assessment! These groups are notorious for actions such as distributing prayer books with Russian/Hebrew to unsuspecting immigrants. One of the biggest problems we have in combating them is that they are massively funded.

  3. More on my previous posting about Jews For Judaism. About 10 years ago a messianic group opened a “synagogue” in a strip mall in an area heavily populated by Russian immigrants in Toronto. They stood outside in kipot and tallesim every Saturday morning inviting people in for their service. There was an empty shop at the other end of the mall and merchant who occupied the space right next door to this church, voluntarily moved his business so that Jews For Judaism could have his space. Then, the fun began…the wonderful folks from J for J were also outside every Saturday morning explaining the vast differences between true Judaism and the bill of goods that they were being sold. Eventually, the messianics and their “City of David” congregation closed up shop. Unfortunately, they have relocated, so the work is far from complete. But this particular episode was a real victory for J for J. The owners of the mall, a Swiss insurance company (non Jewish) eventually got involved in the fray and, if I remember correctly, were going to evict the messianics – but they voluntarily moved.

  4. ‘Last summer another such group, “Isiah 52″ had an ad in a bus shelter in my community. ‘

    I think you must mean “Isaiah 53”? One of the ads was on a bus shelter directly outside a Judaica shop.

    The defense is Torah learning and Torah teaching! How many of us can give over the traditional Jewish interpretation of Isaiah 53 to an unlearned Jew in a way that he/she will get it?

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