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Jewish Principal To Head Arabic School

classroom1.jpgA veteran teacher has been tapped to temporarily head the city’s first Arabic-language public school, following the resignation of the school’s original principal as reported HERE on YW. Danielle Salzberg will temporarily head the Khalil Gibran International Academy in Boerum Hill. The veteran teacher replaces Debbie Almontaser, who resigned from her post last week.

On Tuesday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg addressed concerns about Salzberg not being fit for the job because she is a non-Arabic speaker.

(Source: NY1)

9 Responses

  1. hillary rotten clinton said she will not support vouchers for private school, for this exact reason! now our taxes will pay for a public school.

    maybe a spanish school next

  2. 2. The first Jewish language (i.e., Hebrew) charter school is trying to start in Hollywood, Florida. There is raging controversy about it (mostly from Jews) about the appearance of church-state conflict, although the principal (a frum Rabbi) claims the formal classes will emphasize Hebrew language and “culture”.

    As in all charter schools, there will be after-school, optional extracurricular activites, some of which will involve limudei kodesh – which, by the way, is an excellent opportunity for kiruv, since the estimated 400 students (almost all Jewish), will be from non-frum homes.

  3. I think this is the Danielle Salzberg I know. Does anyone know if she is from Edison? It might be her. I see her in shul on Shabbos when she’s at her parents…

  4. The excuse given for creating this Arabic school is that the U.S. needs Arab-speaking Amerians who can work for the FBI,CIA, NYPD,and other jobs that require knowledge of Arabic,like for the troops in Iraq. However,this will only give would-be terrorists anotyher way to meld in with the legitimate. How do we tell who is friend and who is foe? Tyhere is a reason that nations have their seperate languages and cultures. It will be just so much easier for the ones planning evil to mix in with our people. You won’t be able to distinguish between a loyal American and anti -Americans any more. It’s bad enough now with all the Spanish-speaking people who talk behind our backs right in front of us. You don’t feel safe when people all around you speak what you cannot understand. there is no common denominator that makes us all able to get along. There should now be a Yiddish-speaking public school,too. This Arab school is being funded by public tax money,mostly not paid by Arabic-speaking people,but by non-Arabic people.

  5. The latest development is the Arab speaking parents and faculty DO NOT want a Jewish principal, wasn’t that quite predictable?

  6. to Proud KAJ-WH TIDE Guy :
    the syrian jewish community has a good number of arabic speakers who applied for federal translation jobs and were turned down, specifically because they were jewish (the fbi, cia, etc says they dont want to be accused of working for jews). there is a lawsuit pending, but the prospects for the lawsuit is not good. and by the way, none of the establishment jewish organizations are supporting the lawsuit or the job applicants.

    as for a jewish principal (who according to yesterdays post, or was it daily news (who cares!) she went opn aliyah a few years ago, then returned to ny to get a job teaching) why shouldnt she get the job? besides, now she can control the rascals. besides, why should she have to work in the old jewish neighborhoods of bedford stuyvesant, harlem, brownsville, or east new york (those are the only practical jobs for young jewish teachers without protexia in the nyc school system)?

  7. It’s an up-side-down world;looks like Moshiach is on his way! This country tries to please everyone,well,all the wrong ones.Thanks for that additional comment (above)-Mi Medinat ha Yom

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