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NYPD Report: Terror Threats Are Homegrown

esu.jpgAccording to the AP, an NYPD report expected to be released later today, describes a radicalization process in which young Muslim immigrants, frustrated with their lives in their adopted country, slowly adopt a philosophy that puts them on the path to jihad. Police officials say the report warns that that potential terrorists are difficult for law enforcement to detect because they blend in well with society.

The report is based on an analysis of the security risks exposed in criminal cases Lackawanna, N.Y., Portland, Ore. and Virginia, as well as plots in Hamburg, Madrid and Toronto.

3 Responses

  1. Duh. Remember that the highest branch of law enforcement (FBI) in their genius labeled Deal, NJ as having the highest concentration of Arabs in the USA. The Shomer Yisroel is the only one to really trust.

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