Jewish and Christian Lebanese community leaders in the Canadian city of Windsor united in calling for the removal of a billboard depicting Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah that was erected over the weekend by one of the city’s advertising companies.
One of the men responsible for the sign told the Windsor Star newspaper that the billboard was removed on Monday because Shiite Lebanese community members had paid to have it up over the weekend, rejecting allegations that they were caving in to fierce public backlash.
(Source: Ynet)
4 Responses
Where are all the golus comments? and ignore the hatred comments? Missing all those bright, know-it-alls that can fix the world easily.
stan the man , i am not your fan.
Boruch Hashem, must we all be fans with each other? I happen to be the only Minnesota Twin fan on my block, is that OK? Is Stan angry now, are you not going to daven in his minyon because he has a different way of seeing the world? Will you wish him a ‘Gut Shabbat’ and do chesed for his wife and kids? Let’s not fan each others anger.
I hear they moved the billboard to Beck’s “Shul” in Monsey.