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Thousands Attend Kotler / Wachsman Chasunah

ko cover.jpgClick HERE to see photos of last night’s Chasunah for the daughter of Rav Malkiel Kotler (Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva) to the son of Rav Pinchos Wachsman Rosh Yeshiva of Darchei Torah. More then five thousand people came to wish the Rosh Yeshiva Mazel Tov – including leading Roshei Yeshivos and Rebbe’s. Photos taken by Tzemach Glenn.

11 Responses

  1. Volvie: No, the Satmar Rebbe was NOT at the chupa, he was at the Kaballas Ponim and he left before the chuppah straight to the airport going to Eretz Yisroel where he is laying the cornerstone to a new Kirya with hundreds of apartments in Yerushalayim.

  2. On the picture here on top isn’t the guy in-between the Rosh Yeshiva and the Satmar Rebbe R’Chaim Boruch Epstein from Corner of Second?

  3. Beautiful pictures.
    May I suggest that you put captions on the pictures, so that those of us who are not “with it” on all the Gedolim, can put a name to the faces?

  4. Himmelstein, Yes it’s “Butch” Epstein I saw him at the wedding he did a “Superb” job helping the Rosh Yeshiva with everything during the entire night.

  5. Feif-
    I guess there was “extenuating circumstances” as is conveniently put into the takanos which basically renders the whole thing a joke.
    If you want a succesful implementation of such takanos, convince a few rich people who can afford to make weddings in the Sheraton Meadowlands to make Chasunas in VaYoel Moshe. Then the whole ‘keeping up with the Joneses” will disappear.

  6. Before ragging on baalei simcha for not following takanos, in general, see if they were signators. Next, be dan lecaf zechus that they may not have invited a cast of thousands but that said cast crashed. Very possible.
    Rebbishe chasunas are a different story but still not up for criticism, IMO.

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